Andy Deck


Andy Deck got his start in strength sports in 2005 and today is a pro strongman and veteran of 44 strongman competitions from the local level all the way up to the international level with 33 podium finishes. He has also competed in highland games, highlander, and powerlifting competitions and is the Maryland state rep for the US Strongman federation. Andy has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and a Master's degree in Applied Physiology with a focus on strength and conditioning.

Block 3, Wave 1 - Assistance I
Block 3, Wave 1 - Assistance I
With spring break starting, I refuse to miss any training days
Block 3, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday @ Brute Strength Gym
Block 3, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday @ Brute Strength Gym
You can't be on the Brute Squad if you've never trained at Brute Strength Gym
Block 3, Wave 1 - SQ
Block 3, Wave 1 - SQ
Feel like dookie? No excuse not to train as long as you know how to make reasonable adjustments
Block 3, Wave 1 - OH
Block 3, Wave 1 - OH
I love it when a block of training starts out on a positive note
Wave 4 - Extra DL
Wave 4 - Extra DL
Data collection at its finest
Wave 4 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 4 - Strongman Saturday
Enough rest, all ahead full!
Wave 4 - DL/BP Deload
Wave 4 - DL/BP Deload
Deloading is stupid
Wave 4 - Deload SQ/OH
Wave 4 - Deload SQ/OH
Body in recovery mode, but brain running full bore
Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Scaled back strongman training is still better than not training, plus who doesn't love prowling?
Wave 3 - Assistance II
Wave 3 - Assistance II
Sometimes a deload may be warranted even if you don't think you need it
Wave 3 - DL
Wave 3 - DL
Always have a backup plan in case the original plan doesn't work
Wave 3 - BP
Wave 3 - BP
The dumbbell felt HUGE in my tiny hand
Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Making a deal with myself to combine 3 runs into 1 was not my smartest idea
Wave 3 - Assistance I
Wave 3 - Assistance I
PR on my jumps is a good indicator that I am strong(er) than I was yesterday
Wave 3 - SQ
Wave 3 - SQ
New uses for old accessories and 50 reps of RDL is stupid
Wave 3 - OH
Wave 3 - OH
No crappy weather can stand in the way of awesome training
Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday in the Frozen Tundra
Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday in the Frozen Tundra
The frigid temps couldn't dampen the MAXIMUM EFFORTs put forth today
Wave 2 - Assistance II
Wave 2 - Assistance II
Fun fact: Deadpool is a big fan of conjugate periodization
Wave 2 - DL
Wave 2 - DL
Deadlifting is more fun than benching because thick erectors are hawt
Wave 2 - BP
Wave 2 - BP
Bench press is stupid. That is all.
Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
This "easier" training day kicked my butt more than a lot of my tougher ones
Wave 2 - Assistance I
Wave 2 - Assistance I
Box jump PRs are of questionable validity at the best of times
Wave 2 - SQ
Wave 2 - SQ
Now if I could just get in some conditioning on a regular basis, I'd be firing on all cylinders
Wave 2 - OH
Wave 2 - OH
Sometimes you suck, but it doesn't have to ruin the whole training session
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Despite failing at math today, I still did good work moving the heavi(er) things
Wave 1 - Assistance I
Wave 1 - Assistance I
Lots of solid changes to the assistance day made training much more awesom(er)
Wave 1 - DL
Wave 1 - DL
Another snow day? Another training day.
Wave 1 - BP
Wave 1 - BP
School may have been cancelled today, but training was full speed ahead
Wave 1 - Snowy Strongman Saturday
Wave 1 - Snowy Strongman Saturday
Apparently, carrying 720 lbs is the weight at which my forearms will get sore
Wave 1 - Assistance I
Wave 1 - Assistance I
Pre-snow storm training seems like the most important preparation
Wave 1 - SQ
Wave 1 - SQ
Starting my 4 days off between Winter and Spring semesters with training, of course
Wave 1 - OH
Wave 1 - OH
Winter semester finals coming in hot, but training keeps me sane
Wave 4 - Strongman Saturday in Cronenberg World
Wave 4 - Strongman Saturday in Cronenberg World
Everyone accidentally turns the human population into marauding, murderous, mutant hybrids sometimes
Wave 4 - BP/DL Deload
Wave 4 - BP/DL Deload
Finishing up my deload, from the French for "dropping one's load"
Wave 4 - OH/SQ Deload
Wave 4 - OH/SQ Deload
Deloading and trying out some new stuff for the next training block
Flu Makes Things FUBAR
Flu Makes Things FUBAR
I'm all for trying to train around or through pretty much anything, but sometimes rest is the best (or only) option
Wave 3 - Deadlift
Wave 3 - Deadlift
Just because I was about to be floored for a week by the flu doesn't mean I can't still hit a PR
Wave 3 - Bench
Wave 3 - Bench
And let the rep PRs begin
Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Overall a pretty not bad day of training
Wave 3 - Upper Assistance II
Wave 3 - Upper Assistance II
Today and tomorrow I'm testing a theory that shrugs may be hindering my farmer's walks
Wave 3 - Squat
Wave 3 - Squat
There are some most excellent things about having a training partner, but then sometimes you do dumb stuff
Wave 3 - Overhead
Wave 3 - Overhead
Just because you do a good job, doesn't mean you have to feel good doing it
Wave 2 - Strongman SUNday
Wave 2 - Strongman SUNday
Sometimes to move fast(er) you have to train fast(er), even if the weights are light(er)
Wave 2 - Assistance II
Wave 2 - Assistance II
I wish elitefts Christmas ornaments were a real thing
Wave 2 - Deadlift
Wave 2 - Deadlift
Picking something up more than 10 times in a row is pure stupidity
Wave 2 - Bench
Wave 2 - Bench
Slow and steady on my way back up to a 400 lb bench and pain free elbows
Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Heavy farmer's walks make the world go round
Wave 2 - Upper Assistance I
Wave 2 - Upper Assistance I
End of finals for first fall semester and a nice relaxing stroll among the weights
Wave 2 - SQ
Wave 2 - SQ
Sometimes less is more, but less is always better than none
Wave 2 - OH
Wave 2 - OH
Doing what needs doing around the schedule of studying for and taking final exams
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
More than one style of front carry in a training session may have been a dumb decision
Wave 1 - Deadlift
Wave 1 - Deadlift
Finals begin, agent orange, and insufficient substrate production
Wave 1 - Upper Assistance II
Wave 1 - Upper Assistance II
Jumping is awesome and high rep clean and press is stupid
Wave 1 - Bench
Wave 1 - Bench
Benching sucked, but everything after that was an improvement
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Runner's have the "runner's high," but strongmen and women get the "strongman low"
Wave 1 - Upper Assistance I
Wave 1 - Upper Assistance I
Ending my week with my easiest training day going into event training is the way to go
Wave 1 - Squat
Wave 1 - Squat
Am I working hard or hardly working?
Video of Some November Training Lowlights to Finish Off the Month
Video of Some November Training Lowlights to Finish Off the Month
And what video would be complete without me yelling at my training partner during a lift?
Wave 1 - OH
Wave 1 - OH
I could say I'm "back on that grind," but then I'd have to punch myself in the face