Block 3, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday @ Brute Strength Gym
You can't be on the Brute Squad if you've never trained at Brute Strength Gym
Block 3, Wave 1 - SQ
Feel like dookie? No excuse not to train as long as you know how to make reasonable adjustments
Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Scaled back strongman training is still better than not training, plus who doesn't love prowling?
Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Making a deal with myself to combine 3 runs into 1 was not my smartest idea
Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday in the Frozen Tundra
The frigid temps couldn't dampen the MAXIMUM EFFORTs put forth today
Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
This "easier" training day kicked my butt more than a lot of my tougher ones
Wave 2 - SQ
Now if I could just get in some conditioning on a regular basis, I'd be firing on all cylinders
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Despite failing at math today, I still did good work moving the heavi(er) things
Wave 1 - Assistance I
Lots of solid changes to the assistance day made training much more awesom(er)
Wave 1 - Snowy Strongman Saturday
Apparently, carrying 720 lbs is the weight at which my forearms will get sore
Wave 4 - Strongman Saturday in Cronenberg World
Everyone accidentally turns the human population into marauding, murderous, mutant hybrids sometimes
Flu Makes Things FUBAR
I'm all for trying to train around or through pretty much anything, but sometimes rest is the best (or only) option
Wave 3 - Deadlift
Just because I was about to be floored for a week by the flu doesn't mean I can't still hit a PR
Wave 3 - Upper Assistance II
Today and tomorrow I'm testing a theory that shrugs may be hindering my farmer's walks
Wave 3 - Squat
There are some most excellent things about having a training partner, but then sometimes you do dumb stuff
Wave 2 - Strongman SUNday
Sometimes to move fast(er) you have to train fast(er), even if the weights are light(er)
Wave 2 - Upper Assistance I
End of finals for first fall semester and a nice relaxing stroll among the weights
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
More than one style of front carry in a training session may have been a dumb decision
Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Runner's have the "runner's high," but strongmen and women get the "strongman low"
Wave 1 - Upper Assistance I
Ending my week with my easiest training day going into event training is the way to go
Video of Some November Training Lowlights to Finish Off the Month
And what video would be complete without me yelling at my training partner during a lift?