Dave Kirschen

Dave Kirschen began powerlifting competitively in 1998, and has since reached pro totals of 1901 in the 181-pound class, and 2075 in the 198-pound class. He has also bench pressed over triple bodyweight in three weight classes at full meets. He trains at Apollon Gym in Edison, New Jersey, and coaches a powerlifting team out of EVF Performance in New York City. A 20 year veteran of the fitness industry, Dave holds a degree in Physical Education from SUNY Cortland. Kirschen lives in New Jersey with his wife Liz and son James.

Max Effort Deadlift
Max Effort Deadlift
I know that's still not a great pull, but it was progress, and I was stoked about it. I did feel as though more weight would have caused me to drop, But since I was losing my grip with 625 not too long ago, this was still optimistic.
Max effort bench and assistance
Max effort bench and assistance
I didn't have a pr for this one (at least not an easily accessible one) so I just worked up until I knew that was all I had.
Gear whore raw squatting
Gear whore raw squatting
Long story short I made it, and I learned an important lesson. Never wear adidas shorts while raw squatting, because the lines on the legs will make you look sky-high on video.
Speed bench and accessory
Speed bench and accessory
Last week ended with an accessory workout on Wednesday and a speed bench workout on Friday.
Max Effort Deadlift and Bench
Max Effort Deadlift and Bench
Worked up to 495 plus the chain, which hurt like hell. Still fun.
Speed work and accessory
Speed work and accessory
Nothing impressive or fancy, but it was a good start. Started a little sluggish in terms of speed, but the reps started getting faster by about my 4th set.
Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
The exercise for the day was a bench press with a reverse average (gray) band.
Raw SS Bar Squats
Raw SS Bar Squats
Sunday was a safety squat bar box squat, and since I'm pretty far out from a meet, I stayed raw.
Raw bench work
Raw bench work
This time, I decided to take advantage of a new toy, and use my red shoulder saver pad that elitefts sent me last week
Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
So I decided to work up in the Metal catapult to protect my ams somewhat.
First squat session back!
First squat session back!
The 515 was a GRIND, but I made it
Arnold-Bound Again! XPC Semifinals Write-Up.
Arnold-Bound Again! XPC Semifinals Write-Up.
The plan for the day was to plan smart attempts, take conservative jumps and cruise into a qualifying spot.
Why Fitness Articles Suck — Confessions of a Content Mill Author
Why Fitness Articles Suck — Confessions of a Content Mill Author
If you’ve been in the fitness industry for a couple of decades like I have, you may be wondering what the hell happened. Fitness articles weren’t this bad when we were starting out, were they?
Final Days Before Competing
Final Days Before Competing
Nothing left to do but some light feeder workouts and cutting weight!
Raw bench
Raw bench
Last Thursday was a raw bench day with the goal being 275 for 6 sets of 5 with a close grip.
Final shirt day. It was a big one!
Final shirt day. It was a big one!
This felt good, really good.
Suit Deadlift
Suit Deadlift
For the first time in years, my back is not holding back my pull, but I guess years of not being able to deadlift a lot have allowed my grip to weaken.
Raw bench
Raw bench
So despite not really 'feeling it" It was at least a good day on paper, lol.
Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
Right now my grip is taking priority over everything because I can't seem to hold onto a damn deadlift, lol
Suit squatting!
Suit squatting!
Feeling pretty string, but getting ready for a deload!
Raw bench
Raw bench
Coming along nicely for the meet!
Shirt Bench
Shirt Bench
Not really a whole lot to say here other than I'm really confident in my bench right now, and it's time to start shutting down the shirt work.
Max Effort Deadlift
Max Effort Deadlift
A good number here would be evidence that my back is still doing well, despite a rocky start to this training cycle.
Raw bench
Raw bench
My close grip isn't as strong as my wide, so this was a good start.
Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
I've found through experience that my raw sets are not always a great predictor of how I'll feel in my gear.
Accessory Stuff
Accessory Stuff
This generally takes me an hour and I usually get two sessions like this in per week, in addition to my main sessions.
Raw bench with a rep-pr!
Raw bench with a rep-pr!
I got through the first 5 sets really easily, so I decided to push the weight on the last set to 315. I still got 6, which is a rep pr by one rep.
Max Effort Squats
Max Effort Squats
The 420 was a grind, but a clean rep. I called it there because given the tension at the top, I was already well above my max squat at the top range of the movement.
Last week's shirt bench
Last week's shirt bench
Last Monday was a shirt bench day at Apollon. I wasn't sure quite what I was getting into because the triple band session the previous day had taken a toll on my elbows and shoulders. The goal was to work up to and touch an opener range bench in my shirt. Warmed up to 315 […]
Last week's squats
Last week's squats
Sunday was a circa-max session at Apollon. The plan was to take around 25% of our maxes in bar weight, with what was probably around 500lbs or so of band tension. In this case, it was 2 strong bands and one average. I wound up working with between 200 and 240 lbs for 6 work […]
Finally up to date!
Finally up to date!
This week I did 5 sets of 5 with 275, then rather than pushing the reps, I bumped the weight up to 300 and got a final set of 5. Although I've been stronger, I know I couldn't have done this last time I ran this bench cycle.
More Catch-up
More Catch-up
Worked up to 625, which felt a little heavy. This was fine because I have a couple of months to regain my top end, and get more work in my new shirt.
Last week
Last week
Still catching up, so here is last week's max effort and raw stuff.
Speed pulls
Speed pulls
I did these wth no belt and a double overhand grip (no hook) since I am trying to address both abdominal and grip strength
Shirt bench
Shirt bench
Really good day. Can't wait to see what this shirt can really do!
Catching up: Last week
Catching up: Last week
Got a little backed up again, so here's last week's training in one post to to get more up to date. Monday: Monday we used the incline bench as a max effort movement. We don't do a ton of incline benching, but I remember the last time I did it, about a year ago I […]
Max Effort Deadlift (sort of)
Max Effort Deadlift (sort of)
Not my best decision.
Raw Bench
Raw Bench
Friday was a raw bench day at the local place.
Speed Deadlifts
Speed Deadlifts
My last one could maybe even be called "fast" if you saw it out of the corner of your eye with a three beer buzz.
Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
Good work today, I feel like my raw bench strength is starting to come back.
Max Effort Squats
Max Effort Squats
With less support, I had an easier time pushing back to the box and avoiding my knees caving forward.
New Cycle, New Shirt
New Cycle, New Shirt
The 600 was really easy, and the lockout was nice and solid!
I still suck at the deadlift (but I'm getting better)
I still suck at the deadlift (but I'm getting better)
I know I could have done it sumo and kept up with the pack, but now that I'm healthy, It's time to start addressing weaknesses, and this is the most glaring one I have.
Underweight raw benching
Underweight raw benching
So I knew the weight loss shouldn't be catastrophic for my lifting, but it would have a slight effect.
Back at it!
Back at it!
Good to be back!
Some people I'm really proud of.
Some people I'm really proud of.
Good times everyone, see you at the next one!
SPF Northeast Showdown Meet Report!
SPF Northeast Showdown Meet Report!
I really had no expectations going into this meet, other than my deadlift training was going better than normal, my bench was worse, and after multiple gear changes, my squat was going "who the f*ck knows?"
Last week
Last week
This moved pretty well, but was starting to get heavy, so I cut it. At two weeks out, no need to go to a grinder, or worse, a miss. Right now the goal is recovery!
Some catch-up!
Some catch-up!
Damn, I get a little distracted with work and family, next thing I know I'm late on my log again. My apologies for whomever is trying to follow along!
Shirt bench
Shirt bench
Not the best day, but I'm still making improvements and I feel like I will bench big enough to put up a respectable total.
Max Effort Squats
Max Effort Squats
Next squat session will be a full gear squat, so hopefully the box work will transfer over, even if it's not optimal technique.
Raw Bench
Raw Bench
Raw strength is coming along, hope it carries over to shirt work next week!
Shirted board press
Shirted board press
The weight moved ok, but I would have liked for it to have been a bit more solid technique-wise.
Max Effort Deadlift - Operation DLS in Effect!
Max Effort Deadlift - Operation DLS in Effect!
Best deadlift session in a LONG time.
Raw bench
Raw bench
The first couple of weeks were pretty easy, and I expected this week to be a little harder, since my raw bench is so low right now. Fortunately, I was wrong, and this week was the easiest.
Shirt benching
Shirt benching
I'd rather have a little less support, but be better able to use my technique to execute the lift.
Max effort Lower
Max effort Lower
Looking forward to seeing what I can pull in a suit!
Raw bench
Raw bench
Everything went according to plan, and the work remained easy.
Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
This is a cool movement that builds strength off the chest because you're bringing the bar about an inch lower than with a straight bar.

Items 60 to 118 of 245 total