Joe Schillero


Joe Schillero has competed in both powerlifting and strongman with an elite total in the 220-pound weight class. He has his master's degree in exercise physiology and is currently the General Manager at the Mandel JCC in Cleveland, Ohio. In this position, he oversees fitness, membership, and aquatics operations. He has also overseen student fitness and wellness programs at multiple Universities. He can be reached at

Who Defines You?
Who Defines You?
In this interview with Mark Dugdale, we discuss the mental side of training and competing, along with the various challenges that we meet when life, training, family, work, and all of the other areas of our lives intersect.
Re-evaluating Squat training and dropping weights down for a few weeks
Re-evaluating Squat training and dropping weights down for a few weeks
Making sure I don't aggravate my hip worse, and that I'm setting myself up in a good place to compete again soon.
Visit to River City Barbell
Visit to River City Barbell
Checking out some different Powerlifting Gyms to train at on the weekends.
Getting Back Into a 4-Day Training Cycle Until I Determine My New Work/Life Schedule.
Getting Back Into a 4-Day Training Cycle Until I Determine My New Work/L...
Pressing definitely felt heavy this week as I adjust to the earlier sleep schedule and new routine.
Move to Cincinnati is Complete Pt2: First Day Back Training
Move to Cincinnati is Complete Pt2: First Day Back Training
Keeping the basic work going with training as I get settled in and create a new gameplan.
Move to Cincinnati is Complete PT 1: New Job
Move to Cincinnati is Complete PT 1: New Job
Getting the next phase of life underway.
The Three Disciplines of Getting Stronger
The Three Disciplines of Getting Stronger
How do you continue to progress as a lifter when life gets tougher, progress is slower, and motivation is lacking?
Life Update Pt 3: Thoughts on Grace & Discipline
Life Update Pt 3: Thoughts on Grace & Discipline
Two themes from my past year that are hopefully encouraging/thought-provoking for you too.
Life Update Part 2: Training
Life Update Part 2: Training
Exciting things ahead, and in the meantime just getting in training where I can.
How Exercise Science Students (and anyone) Can Better Determine Their Career Path.
How Exercise Science Students (and anyone) Can Better Determine Their Ca...
How Values and Strengths Can Help You Determine Your Career Path..
Using Values and Strengths to Help You Determine Your Career Path
Using Values and Strengths to Help You Determine Your Career Path
Through my work at my university, I spend a great deal of time developing students and helping mentor them for career direction, particularly in the exercise science related areas. This is the approach I use to help them find the right path.
"Mental Health & Strength Athletes" ..My interview on Beyond the Platform
"Mental Health & Strength Athletes" ..My interview on Beyo...
How to improve programming, adjust training, improve recovery, and more..
If you haven't read it yet: "How Student-Athletes Can Support Teammate Mental Health"
If you haven't read it yet: "How Student-Athletes Can Support ...
Guidelines for Teammates, Coaches, and Administrators.
I think I've finally figured out a training schedule format that will work for this summer..
I think I've finally figured out a training schedule format that wi...
Working on a good setup that will fit with all the extra work on the weekends and traveling's impact on recovery - I think this will work well.
May 2018 Week 3 - Day 3: Deadlifts (465x6, 535x1) & OHP (165x6, 205x1)
May 2018 Week 3 - Day 3: Deadlifts (465x6, 535x1) & OHP (165x6, 205x1)
Frequency is up a bit to take advantage of days when I can train, so adjusting %s accordingly.
May 2018 Week 3 - Day 1: Deadlifts (485x6), OHP (165x8)
May 2018 Week 3 - Day 1: Deadlifts (485x6), OHP (165x8)
Definitely felt the need to get some extra sleep/recovery after traveling. Left a lot in the tank today and good with that.
May 2018 Week 2 - Day 2: Squats (385x5) & Upper/Lower Accessories - Down Week
May 2018 Week 2 - Day 2: Squats (385x5) & Upper/Lower Accessories - ...
First day back from traveling through North Carolina and Virginia for work.
How Student-Athletes Can Support Teammate Mental Health
How Student-Athletes Can Support Teammate Mental Health
More student-athletes are beginning to recognize mental health as simply another part of the training and self-care process, and not a sign of weakness or lack of mental toughness. Here are three ways to help.
April 2018 Week 3 - Day 3: Squat up to 435x5
April 2018 Week 3 - Day 3: Squat up to 435x5
Working on getting my hip to calm down.
April 2018 Week 3 - Day 2: OHP up to 145x5 (down week) & Weight Vest Circuit
April 2018 Week 3 - Day 2: OHP up to 145x5 (down week) & Weight Vest...
Getting better at having to do less sets of OHP as rest-pause during the circuit.
April 2018 Week 3 - Day 1: Rack Pulls up to 415x5 (Down Week)
April 2018 Week 3 - Day 1: Rack Pulls up to 415x5 (Down Week)
Few more weeks of rack pulls then transitioning back to pulling from the floor.
April 2018 Week 2 - Day 4: Squats up to 415x10
April 2018 Week 2 - Day 4: Squats up to 415x10
How my hip felt this week definitely confirms my decision to take squatting completely off next week.
3 Time-Efficient Assistance Work Circuits to Get You Stronger and in Better Shape
3 Time-Efficient Assistance Work Circuits to Get You Stronger and in Bet...
These assistance work circuits are designed to be done after main strength work (primary and supplemental movements) and provide a time-efficient way to work for hypertrophy, muscular endurance, and basic conditioning.
April 2018 Week 2 - Day 3: OHP (155x9) & Strength-Conditioning Circuit
April 2018 Week 2 - Day 3: OHP (155x9) & Strength-Conditioning Circuit
Increasing reps-per-set for chin-ups and push-ups.
April 2018 Week 2 - Day 1: Rack Pulls up to 445x10
April 2018 Week 2 - Day 1: Rack Pulls up to 445x10
Slowly increasing weight on slow-and-controlled rack pulls.
March 2018 Week 4 - Day 1: Rack Pulls up to 435x10
March 2018 Week 4 - Day 1: Rack Pulls up to 435x10
Switching over to some controlled rack pulls.
March 2018 Week 3 - Summary (Traveling and a Few Combined Training Sessions)
March 2018 Week 3 - Summary (Traveling and a Few Combined Training Sessi...
Traveling and getting some minimal work done this week.
March 2018 Week 2 - Day 3: Squats up to 465x6
March 2018 Week 2 - Day 3: Squats up to 465x6
Still getting over being sick, but training went well.
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — Measuring Athlete Stress and Improving Performance Using Heart Rate Variability
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — Measuring Athlete Stress and Improving...
Joel Jamieson, one of the world’s foremost authorities on strength and conditioning for combat sports, joins the Peak Mental Performance Podcast for a discussion of stress, HRV, and improving athletic performance.
March 2018 Week 2 - Day 2: Overhead Press & Strength Circuit (new wave)
March 2018 Week 2 - Day 2: Overhead Press & Strength Circuit (new wave)
Simplifying the circuit and doing strict press work again.
March 2018 Week 2 - Day 1: Deadlifts up to 585lbs
March 2018 Week 2 - Day 1: Deadlifts up to 585lbs
Start of a new wave of pulling again.

Items 60 to 118 of 647 total