Joseph Sullivan


Joe Sullivan graduated from John Carroll University in 2015 with a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science. He then became one of the top-ranked 198-pound lifters with a 1725-pound total in sleeves and is currently ranked #6 All-Time in the 220 Class, #15 All-Time in the 242 class, #3 All-Time in the Squat (220 class). Joe is currently in preparation for the Columbus Fire Academy while pushing his Powerlifting numbers up.

The Flood
The Flood
Training is hard right now. This is stream of consciousness in a arbitrary sense. You either quit, or proceed on. It's always a simple choice.
The Tightrope
The Tightrope
Carnage on some concrete makes for a nice Friday evening
I Am Joe Sullivan
I Am Joe Sullivan
This was a privilege to be a part of
Great Day Coaching
Great Day Coaching
Makes it all worth it
Pause Squats and Pushing
Pause Squats and Pushing
Injured sort of but I'm trying to figure it out
Big Deficit Deadlifts
Big Deficit Deadlifts
SOme good pulls today but really getting cuaght up and feeling this fatigue hard.
Long Pause Squats and Some Thoughts
Long Pause Squats and Some Thoughts
Be comfortable with being yourself
Hatfield Squats Are Tough
Hatfield Squats Are Tough
Deloading and becoming ready for the next phase
Bleed For It
Bleed For It
Just some insight
Am I A Sumo Puller?
Am I A Sumo Puller?
Deadlifts are just deadlifts
Long Pause Turkey Presses
Long Pause Turkey Presses
Just keeping the pressing gains coming
Earn Your Regrets
Earn Your Regrets
Ownership and Accountability
More Squatting After IPL Worlds in Vegas
More Squatting After IPL Worlds in Vegas
Traveling does NOT do a body good., A mind, maybe, but who needs that.
IPL Worlds. World Records and World Champions
IPL Worlds. World Records and World Champions
Brotherhood is not easily attained and it is even harder to be lost
Hybrid Therapy Work Being Done
Hybrid Therapy Work Being Done
Keeping me healthy!
Bakc Training For Powerlifters
Bakc Training For Powerlifters
My back hurts and so does my ego
2018 IPL Midwest Open — 2131-Pound Total at 242 Pounds
2018 IPL Midwest Open — 2131-Pound Total at 242 Pounds
The 825 opener flew, and I told JP to call 881 on my second. This is when I knew I would “earn my regrets" because I actively prepared myself to become injured due to this decision.
A Thank You Post -Competition
A Thank You Post -Competition
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Last squats 775x1
Last squats 775x1
Am i confident?
Last Bench 575x1
Last Bench 575x1
Finding pounds where I can
Last Pulls 675x1
Last Pulls 675x1
Putting duct tape over a wound
Bench is still flying
Bench is still flying
Big moves on bench
Rehab Squats
Rehab Squats
Muscles let go but people don't
815 Deadlift
815 Deadlift
It's all mine
The Fibonacci Spiral
The Fibonacci Spiral
Spiral out never ending
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Easy session. Glad to have it at this point in the training block
815x1 Deadlift
815x1 Deadlift
SOme big prs. Pretty damn happy but just have to put it together on the day of
545x3 1 Board Bench
545x3 1 Board Bench
Making some humongous strides on my pressing strength
Squats Have Killed Me 865x1
Squats Have Killed Me 865x1
Pain only hurts if you let it
555x1 bench PR
555x1 bench PR
Heavy Deadlift SIngles
Heavy Deadlift SIngles
Just hitting the singles like I should
Apparently I love Benching Now 535x1
Apparently I love Benching Now 535x1
FIrst time on a straight bar in months. 20lb PR. Wtf
Need to get grip better. 725x1 Deficit pulls
Need to get grip better. 725x1 Deficit pulls
View this post on Instagram Can you tell I'm irritated? My grip is trash because this is my last training week before a deload and because work is annihilating me. Need more grit. Need to stop suck A post shared by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Sep 6, 2018 at 5:35pm PDT work has been kicking […]
More deficit pulls 765x1
More deficit pulls 765x1
Short on time, short on rest, but it gets done
500lb Board Presses
500lb Board Presses
No one is unbeatable. Not even yourself. You just prepare as best you can, to perform as best you can and the cards will fall
775x4 4Sets volume squats
775x4 4Sets volume squats
Hitting it hard to get better. Most work I've done in one session in a while
A Place At The Table
A Place At The Table
Live learn and pass on are not just words. They need to be actions.
745x1pull from a deficit
745x1pull from a deficit
Excited to see where my deadlift ends up in October
Back on an off day
Back on an off day
Blowing off some steam and trying to recover
"What's your bodyweight" vs "what are you?"
"What's your bodyweight" vs "what are you?"
Throw your scales out. Be an athlete, not a number.
Hard Bench Session with the Duffalo
Hard Bench Session with the Duffalo
Doing my best to stay healthy and not get hurt throughout this entire training cycle
880 double MISS
880 double MISS
Messed up myself, but confident for the future!
Be the helpers
Buffalo Fit Expo
Buffalo Fit Expo
Heading out thee this weekend to spot,load, and help out at a powerlifting meet. Just gonna begiving back a bit so ill be mia
More deficit pulls 675x3
More deficit pulls 675x3
These are getting tough as hell!
More incline bench
More incline bench
Incline Bench 405x3 365x4 365x4 365x4 365x4 Spoto Bench 455x2 455x2 455x2 415x4 415x4 Floor press 365x6 365x6 365x6 KB upright Row 30x15 30x15 30x15
Nobody exists on purpose
Nobody exists on purpose
But we all have more value than we think
Big 825x3 squats
Big 825x3 squats
Gaining weight is the best drug out there
Monster deficit pulls 655x3
Monster deficit pulls 655x3
4" Deficit Deadlift 655x3 605x5 605x5 Rdl 605x6 605x6 605x6 605x6 60 minute amrap Chest supported row Biceps GPP
Shoulderrok Swinging
Shoulderrok Swinging
Not much else to do today after working all day in an attic, but due to my neefor proper shoulder care and isolation i just hit the swings for 5x10 per side with a 10lb plate. Id like to reach a level of comfort where i can do these with a 25lb plate.
Incline Bench Day
Incline Bench Day
Incline Bench Press 405x2 365x4 365x4 365x4 365x4 Spoto bench press 405x3 405x3 405x3 405x3 Floor press 315x6 315x6 315x6 315x6 DB Upright row 35x15 35x15 35x15 Solid workout today. Had to do some work email in the middle of it but still got it done
Duffalo Bench 465x2
Duffalo Bench 465x2
Duffalo Bench Press 465x2 415x6 415x6 415x6 Wide Grip Bench Press 405x6 405x6 405x6 405x6 Db incline bench press 100x12 100x12 100x12 100x12 Rear delt flies 20 20 20 20 Triceps push down burner
Originality SUCKS
Originality SUCKS

Items 178 to 236 of 504 total