Mark Watts

Mark Watts is a fifth grade school teacher and U8 Girls Soccer Coach in Columbus, Ohio. Formerly, Watts was the Director of Education at and the host of the Elitefts Sports Performance Podcast. He has a Masters Degree in Exercise Science & Health Promotion from California University of PA and a Masters Degree in Elementary Education from Clarion University of PA. He has held professional certifications through the NSCA, CSCCa, NASM, and USAW. Watts has worked with college athletes in over 20 different sports at the Division I, II & III levels for over 15 years as a strength & conditioning and/or football coach at institutions such as Denison University, The United States Military Academy at West Point, Allegheny College and Clarion University. He has also completed internships at The Ohio State University and the University of Tulsa. Watts played college football at Clarion University and has competed in powerlifting, strongman, and Olympic Weightlifting. He is originally from Pittsburgh, PA and is a USMC veteran.

The Ultimate Strength Athlete™
The Ultimate Strength Athlete™
Is there a competition that that truly can determine overall power, strength, and strength endurance?
Physical Education in Schools Everyday... More Reasons
Physical Education in Schools Everyday... More Reasons
I believe if we are going to resurrect daily physical education in schools it will be because the science continually shows that students who have been active and are fit do significantly better academically than their peers who have sat all day. - Paul Zientarski
LISTEN: How Mike Boyle Became a Coach of Influence
LISTEN: How Mike Boyle Became a Coach of Influence
One of the original strength coaches in the industry, Coach Boyle talks training, leadership, and more of what coaches need to hear.
Late Bloomers: John O'Sullivan's Relative Age Effect
Late Bloomers: John O'Sullivan's Relative Age Effect
Simply put, the “Relative Age Effect” is the correlation between arbitrary age cutoffs in sports and the statistically high success ratio of kids with birthdates within a few months of those cutoffs.
Two Factors that are Killing your Team
Two Factors that are Killing your Team
Lack of Trust and Listening to Critics can negatively effect any team
Training Sprint Speed at 90%. Fast Enough?
Training Sprint Speed at 90%. Fast Enough?
Make sure your athletes sprint intensity is high enough to develop speed or low enough to elicit recovery.
5 Off-Season Training Strategies from Andy McCloy
5 Off-Season Training Strategies from Andy McCloy
Andy McCloy of Athlete's Acceleration list 5 impactful training strategies for the off-season
Fifteen Sports Performance Articles from May 2015
Fifteen Sports Performance Articles from May 2015
The Month of May included articles from several columnists and an outside submission on internships. Here is the breakdown: Five Articles from four columnists including Gabe Naspinski, Ashley Jones, and Bryan Mann. Five Podcasts from some of the best coaches in the industry including Gary Schofield, Eric Cressey, Frank Wintrich of BYU, Cory Schlesinger of […]
WATCH: Why Communication is Key to a Better Coaching Career
WATCH: Why Communication is Key to a Better Coaching Career
Clear pathways of communication can optimize relationships and elongate careers.
Are You Emotionally Strong?
Are You Emotionally Strong?
15 Things That Emotionally Strong People Don’t Do
Pro Football Player Matt Mulligan on the Elitefts Power Squat
Pro Football Player Matt Mulligan on the Elitefts Power Squat
Tennessee Titans Tight End Matt Mulligan repping out 1200lbs on the Elitefts™ Power Squat.
Retiring from Football... at 24: Tim Elmore on Chris Borland
Retiring from Football... at 24: Tim Elmore on Chris Borland
Tim Elmore is one of the best writers and presenters when it comes to developing leadership qualities in young people. Tim takes a different approach to looking at current issues in sports. In this article he looks at the decision of San Fransisco 49er linebacker Chris Borland to retire and relates to to long term […]
WATCH: Two Bench Press Mechanical Drop-Sets for Hypertrophy
WATCH: Two Bench Press Mechanical Drop-Sets for Hypertrophy
In a traditional drop-set, you decrease weight in successive reps. With these variations, you will alter the movements to train past failure and new growth.
Matt Morse: 5 Lessons for 5 Years of Baseball
Matt Morse: 5 Lessons for 5 Years of Baseball
After such an emotional post-game with my teammates, it was not something that I really felt like doing. But, one of my life’s missions is to inspire others and I knew this could be an opportunity to do just that… - Matt Morse
The Complete Guide to Staff Meetings
The Complete Guide to Staff Meetings
The 4 types of meetings every staff should utilize and the 2 things every meeting must have
Clemson Tigers Football Summer Workouts
Clemson Tigers Football Summer Workouts
Highlight of the Clemson Tigers Summer Training
2 Marines, Six Seconds
2 Marines, Six Seconds
Five years ago, two Marines from two different walks of life who had literally just met were told to stand guard in front of their outpost's entry control point.
The Powerlifting Experience II: By the Numbers
The Powerlifting Experience II: By the Numbers
Seven reasons to sign up for the Powerlifting Experience including a 2:1 athlete to coach ratio and 3 new coaches added
5 Tips on Picking a Coach or Trainer
5 Tips on Picking a Coach or Trainer
I finally got to the point where I made athletes a little nervous for the right reasons–For being meticulous about details and passionate about doing the right things. I finally learned how to be brutally honest without being overly confrontational.
The Psycholology of Rehab
The Psycholology of Rehab
“The psychological side of rehabilitation is still scientifically observable,” explains Weingroff. “Spiked levels of dopamine and certain neurotransmissions can be monitored. Maintaining hormonal and neurotransmitter levels associated with positive mind-sets and positive rehabilitation is what we strive for.”
Legacies Alive: Swim for Their Sacrifice
Legacies Alive: Swim for Their Sacrifice
On this memorial day, while most are sharing memes on social media, Legacies Alive will be undergoing their second Legacy challenge. Their first, Mike's Hiking for Heroes, warranted co-founder Mike Viti to walk 7100kg for the 7100 men and women who lost their lives on the Global War on Terror. I wrote about the event […]
Physical Therapy is Boring
Physical Therapy is Boring
You’ve just been injured, and you’re on the way home from an hour of physical therapy. The last thing you want to do on your own is confusing exercises that take too long to show results.
The 360 Degree Coach: The Assistant's Leadership Guide
The 360 Degree Coach: The Assistant's Leadership Guide
The myths and challenges of leadership with insights on "leading-Up" for assistant coaches and underclassmen
10 Tips for Assistant Coaches
10 Tips for Assistant Coaches
“Think like a head coach, but act like an assistant coach” – Tommy Amaker Head Coach of Harvard University.
LISTEN: Ted Perlak on Programming, Preparation, and Personal Communication
LISTEN: Ted Perlak on Programming, Preparation, and Personal Communication
The Head Strength and Conditioning Coach out of University of Delaware breaks down the beginning of the year struggles and how to set your program up for success.
Travel Baseball
Travel Baseball
Who really is invested in elite youth sports teams? Is it the kids or their parents? - Tim Keown
Ed Jaskulski Awarded Regional T&F Coach of the Year
Ed Jaskulski Awarded Regional T&F Coach of the Year
Ed Jaskulski (pictured in center) earned several coaches awards thanks in large part to the efforts of Golden Eagles pictured clockwise from top left: Cameron Shaughnessy, Dorian Hayden, Darius Favors, Antoine Keels, Marcy Merritt, Whitman Oehler-Marx, Zachary Brown and Samuel Taft. Photo Brockport Athletics Jaskulski Awarded DIII Regional Coach of Year Ed Jaskulski was named […]
Is Technique Work Hurting your Technique?
Is Technique Work Hurting your Technique?
Is it really a technique issue or is the weight too heavy? Also, 5 ways to improve technique on any lift and exercise that will do more harm than good.
Now Available: The Foundation of the Tier System of Training
Now Available: The Foundation of the Tier System of Training
Joe Kenn, the Head Strength Coach of the Carolina Panthers presents a nearly 2-hour educational guide to implementing the tier system.
Tough Love Coaching: Is this the End?
Tough Love Coaching: Is this the End?
Can coaches get away with what they used to? Do they need to change?
Athletes and Fear Avoidance
Athletes and Fear Avoidance
Applying Fear Avoidance to Athletes: The Athlete Fear Avoidance Questionnaire (AFAQ) By Adam Kelly Greetings Readers! I am excited to share some new and important research with all of you. The Journal of Athletic Training (JAT) released a new study for early publication on March 20th, 2015 titled Development and Validation of the Athlete Fear […]
HS Football Player Recieves almost $1million from Lawsuit for Head Injury
HS Football Player Recieves almost $1million from Lawsuit for Head Injury
The NFL has been setting trends and they almost always trickle down to the college and high school levels. Lawsuits are apparently no different. As thousand of former players are in a joint lawsuit against the NFL, there are isolated cases at the lower levels as well. Whether you feel these lawsuits are justified or […]
Brian Cain's 5 Ps of Peak Performance and Mental Toughness
Brian Cain's 5 Ps of Peak Performance and Mental Toughness
Five things every coach or athlete can use to increase performance and enhance mental toughness
Filling Buckets
Filling Buckets
When looking at athletic development, coaches usually have several categories of physical preparation they feel are important. These qualities and skills collectively make an athlete what he or she is on the field or court from the standpoint of physical ability.
George Will's Views on Free Range Parenting
George Will's Views on Free Range Parenting
You know what it’s called when kids make mistakes without adult supervision and have to wrestle with the resulting consequences?
WATCH: 3 Agility Ladder Drills that Don't Suck
WATCH: 3 Agility Ladder Drills that Don't Suck
Besides a warm-up variation or trying to impress parents, agility ladders probably don't have much merit in developing speed or agility. Prescribed foot patterns won't help, but maybe these 3 drill could.
WATCH: 5 Strategies to Perform More Work in Less Time
WATCH: 5 Strategies to Perform More Work in Less Time
Five strategies to add workout density and keep athletes engaged with speed and strength training.
10 Tips on Writing from the Late William Zinsser
10 Tips on Writing from the Late William Zinsser
Never have so many Americans written so profusely and with so few inhibitions. Which means that it wasn’t a cognitive problem after all. It was a cultural problem, rooted in that old bugaboo of American education: fear.
Deadlift to Increase the Vertical Jump
Deadlift to Increase the Vertical Jump
The Deadlift may b the missing link in your program to increase explosive power and jumping ability
RIP Doug Davis: You Will Be Missed
RIP Doug Davis: You Will Be Missed
Purdue University Strength Coach dies at 33.
LISTEN: Basketball Strength with UAB's Cory Schlesinger
LISTEN: Basketball Strength with UAB's Cory Schlesinger
The most recognizable strength coach from March Madness, talks about primal movements and programming,
Register Now For The Second elitefts™ Powerlifting Experience
Register Now For The Second elitefts™ Powerlifting Experience
Discover your strengths. Conquer your weaknesses. Build the best strength of your life.
James Clear: Default for Daily Decisions
James Clear: Default for Daily Decisions
Designing your life to help you make the right decisions... by default.
Everything Inside You Will Fight Improvement
Everything Inside You Will Fight Improvement
Sometimes the biggest barrier we have between the coach we are and the coach we want to become is ourselves
Training for Hockey Clinic
Training for Hockey Clinic
Join elite strength coaches from hockey teams across the U.S. and Canada at the exclusive training event of the year, the 2nd annual NSCA Training for Hockey Clinic.
John O'Sullivan's Five Reasons Kids Quit Sports
John O'Sullivan's Five Reasons Kids Quit Sports
We don’t simply lose the kids who cannot make varsity; we lose many of the best athletes on our teams.
Coaching Parents on The Reality of Their Child's Skill
Coaching Parents on The Reality of Their Child's Skill
Who needs more coaching when it comes to youth sports? You guessed it.
Book Review: Managing the Training of Weightlifters
Book Review: Managing the Training of Weightlifters
A summary of Managing the Training of Weightlifters by N.P. Laputin by CrossFit Impulse
LISTEN: Frank Wintrich—A Model of Humility and Hard Work
LISTEN: Frank Wintrich—A Model of Humility and Hard Work
The young strength and conditioning coach from BYU explains his development and the values he's put into place in his new position.
Football Coaches: Why Are You Testing in Fall Camp?
Football Coaches: Why Are You Testing in Fall Camp?
Over the course of my coaching career, I have had the privilege of being a strength & conditioning coach and a football coach in a duel-role capacity for over 13 of the 15 years. I realized a few unique truths when looking back at this duel role. Like Brian Cain has said, nothing is good […]
Leadership Lesson From Belichick
Leadership Lesson From Belichick
New England Patriots Head coach talks about what his rookies can expect and the biggest challenge they will face
Interviews with Three CSCCa National Conference Speakers
Interviews with Three CSCCa National Conference Speakers
Sports Performance Podcasts with Jeff Connors, Ron McKeefery, and Ryan Horn
Social Skills Comes Down to Emotional Intelligence
Social Skills Comes Down to Emotional Intelligence
Why people are so witty on Facebook and so drab in real life?
Over Two-Dozen Sports Performance Articles from April 2015
Over Two-Dozen Sports Performance Articles from April 2015
In case you missed any of the 25 sports performance articles from April, here's a comprehensive list.
LISTEN: Eric Cressey on Performance, Baseball, and Staff Synergy
LISTEN: Eric Cressey on Performance, Baseball, and Staff Synergy
The most sought-after baseball performance coach details his journey in the S&C field.
The Best Sports Performance Books on™
The Best Sports Performance Books on™
It's been a long time. I shouldn't of kept you; without a strong rhyme to step to. - Eric B. & Rakim, I Know you Got Soul Sorry for the hiatus. This question comes up often.  What are the best books written on strength and conditioning. Now, I love books. I have spent a lot […]
The Powerlifting Experience is Back!
The Powerlifting Experience is Back!
Don't miss out on this unbelievable opportunity. Save the date: June 27th
Denver University Strength & Conditioning Summit
Denver University Strength & Conditioning Summit
DU to Host Strength and Conditioning Summit on May 23 All-Day Event Will Take Place at the Pat Bowlen Training Center The University of Denver is hosting a Strength and Conditioning Summit on Saturday, May 23rd. The all-day event will take place at the Pat Bowlen Training Center on the DU campus. Click HERE to […]
Summer Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
Summer Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
Like no other sport in America, football relies on a productive off-season to dominate in the fall.

Items 119 to 177 of 558 total