USPA Drug Tested National Powerlifting Championships — Meána Franco PRs ...
I needed to regain confidence in myself as a lifter and take a step out of my comfort zone. I accomplished this at USPA Nationals.
Training for USPA Nationals - Week 10
Monday Bench 95x8 115x5 135x5 155x3 175x2 195x2 All Paused 215x2x3sets 200x5 175x10 Lying tricep exts 5x8reps tricep push downs/Rope 4x15 Band pull aparts 3x25 Rotator cuff cleans 3x15 Tuesday Squats 135x5x2 215x5 225x3x6sets Pause squats 195x3x3sets Wednesday Paused Wide Grip Bench Work up to 175x3x3sets Band pull aparts 3x25 Rotator cuff cleans 3x15 Friday […]
Training for USPA Nationals - Week 5
Day 1 Main Bench You can find this training log HERE. It was another big rep PR for me. Day 2 Main Squat 95x8 135x5 185x5 215x5 235x3 255x3x3 paused squats 195x3 205X3x3sets Leg press 3x15 GHR 3x10 Day 3 Paused Wide Grip Bench Work up to 165x3x3sets Band pull aparts 3x25 Rotator cuff […]
Getting Closer to the Next Bench Milestone
When a 225 bench is just so very very close, and I want it really, really bad.
Training for USPA Nationals - Week 3
Building my bench volume back up and a deadlift rep PR 8 weeks out
Week 4 - Shirted Bench Training
Shirt bench Barx10 95x10 120x8 135x5 160x3 180x1 190x1 PUT SHIRT ON 225x3 (2 board) 240x3 (1 board) 255X2 (1 board) 265x1 (1 board) - Missed rep 265x1 (2 board) I'm finding it almost impossible to do any accessory work after training in the shirt, It just drains me.
More Deficit Pulls
"Man Steve is really mean to you" - after I tell anyone about my deadlift programming
SSYoke Squats against bands and deficit pulls
How much caffeine does it take to wake you up for deadlifts?
Welcome to the Dark Side
I keep hearing people call equipped powerlifting 'the dark side', so I felt that was appropriate.
Recovery Training
The two weeks following Nationals was filled with plenty of confusion, frustration, travel, eating, sleeping, and so much puppy cuddling. This week was my first week back to training, and I only managed two training days. One day of light squats, and one day of light bench. I managed to work up to 135x8x5 for […]
Leaving on a Jet Plane
And we're off! I'm all packed up and about to board a plane to Regina, Saskatchewan to compete at CPU Nationals! This will be my first time there, because there isn't a whole lot to do out in that part of Canada. I will be competing on Tuesday at 5:30 pm(CST) you can watch live […]
My First Experience with Drug Testing
The thoughts and opinions in this post are my own. Please note that I am neither pro nor con PED use and believe that what you do with your body is your choice. That being said, if your choice is to compete in a drug tested federation you are obliged to follow their anti doping […]
Training Week 5
Heavy Bench Training here Tuesday Squats barx10 95x5 135x4 175x3 205x1 225x1 245x1x7 Leg press 3x12 leg ext 3x12 GHR3X10 Thursday Incline barbell bench 130x5x4 band pull aparts Rotator cuff cleans 3x15, Friday Deadlift 135x5x2 185x3 225x1x7sets GSDLS 4x6 GHR 5X10 Paused bench 175x5x3sets,