Molly Edwards

Molly Edwards is a personal trainer from Grove City, Ohio, and a graduate of Defiance College. In her first powerlifting meet, she totaled 1120 (415/275/430), which is 100 pounds over an elite total for the 165 pound class. Molly was a member of the volleyball team at Defiance, and she has several major training certifications. At the 2013 SPF Women’s Pro/Am she posted a 505 squat, 365 bench, and 475 deadlift. Her best lifts also include a 545 squat and a 400 bench. Molly currently works for Mount Carmel West Hospital as an Emergency Department Tech. She is in school to pursue a higher medical degree. and is still a part-time personal trainer.

Upper fluff.
Upper fluff.
Build it bigger!
Heavy DB press
Heavy DB press
This is happening!
lower stability training.
lower stability training.
Don't forget to stabilize.
Upper Assist.
Upper Assist.
2 weeks out
Band deadlifts
Band deadlifts
3 weeks out
Peace out. I'm on vacation
Peace out. I'm on vacation
Keep calm and get your beach on.
speed pulls
speed pulls
Light work, slight deload.
Incline bench
Incline bench
Change up. Or grow up.
lower assist
lower assist
Get it in!!
Upper assist. 5 weeks out
Upper assist. 5 weeks out
5 weeks out trying to hang thru this training.
Floor Press projected max rep.
Floor Press projected max rep.
Keep them good days a coming*
Weight is moving on up
Bench with chain. Video
Bench with chain. Video
Keeping it real folks.
Block pulls. Video
Block pulls. Video
Block pulls = sucky start
Timed deadlifts
Timed deadlifts
Self teach, all of the time.
Deficit Bench
Deficit Bench
Great day!
Upper Assistance
Upper Assistance
Pushing oneself past the comfort zone.
Do what your body needs.
Do what your body needs.
Take the time to stay consistent.
Time under Tension.
Time under Tension.
Training that works.
Floor Press
Floor Press
Staying focused
Strength in numbers?
Strength in numbers?
Not always about numbers?
Max Rep Pulls. Video
Max Rep Pulls. Video
Working on meet prep!
There's always another way.
Pull it!
Pull it!
Hard work vs. talent? You decide.
Progessive training.
Progessive training.
Don't stop get it get it!
Upper assitance.
Upper assitance.
Working hard to get it in!
Upper Back training.
Upper Back training.
Put in the reps, you going to need them on the grind.
Find your place.
Find your place.
Looking up and forward, don't look back your not headed that way!
Floor Press. Video
Floor Press. Video
Are you benching correctly?
Lower Assistance
Lower Assistance
Focus on what you Can do.
Benching strong!
Benching strong!
Push the volume, walk out exhausted.
knee stability training.
knee stability training.
No time. No excuses.
Max pulls pin 2. Video
Max pulls pin 2. Video
Mental preparedness. Focus.
Benching for reps.
Benching for reps.
Push hard even when your tired.
The search continues.
The search continues.
Don't give in, or give up.
Deficit pulls. Video
Deficit pulls. Video
Build it from the ground up.
Sled work.
Sled work.
Keep it simple and basic.
Floor Press.
Floor Press.
What's one more.
Move and stretch.
Move and stretch.
Work hard everyday to become better.
Lower assistance.
Lower assistance.
Belief is what I hold onto.
Upper Assistance.
Upper Assistance.
Its the little things.
Pin one Max!
Pin one Max!
Step up and strain.
Its  a quick one!
Its a quick one!
Better than nothing.
Bench max!
Bench max!
Happy Dance!
Foam roll/ recovery
Foam roll/ recovery
Keep on keeping on.
Lower assitance
Lower assitance
Kept it light. Lots of reps and contraction focus. Had a lot of fluid of my left knee for no apparent reason. No pain just instability. No better time to be light and fluffy. Leg press 4x20 Single leg lunge 4x10 Stiff deads 4x15 Seated leg curl 4x15 Leg extensions 100 continuous 10min bike/ 4x50 […]

Items 178 to 236 of 424 total