LTT-TV: How a Slight Change of Foot Position Can Increase Your Squat
Dave Tate shows how one slight change in foot position can increase your squatting base of support.
Training Concepts, Recovery and Knee Rehab with Buddy Morris
These videos made me realize what I needed to do in order to preserve longevitiy in doing what I love…lifting!!
LTT-TV: A Simple, Fast and EZ Bench Tip That Actually Works!
Vincent Dizenzo offers up one great bench tip that WILL make a difference next time you get under the bar.
Swiss Bar Pressdown
Using the new Swiss Bar attachment. This is a great attachment with three different sets of neutral grips
Squat Training and Cycle
Matt Wenning answers questions from EFS lifters about his squat training and cycle.
Strongman Andy Deck Competiting at the Arnold
Video compilation of the March 2011 Arnold Classic Strongman Competition.
So You Think You Can Squat? (Part 3)
The long-awaited So You Think You Can Squat video is here! Matt Wenning discusses how to squat properly, so pay attention.
So You Think You Can Squat? (Parts 1 and 2)
The long-awaited So You Think You Can Squat video is here! Matt Wenning discusses how to squat properly, so pay attention.
Part V: So You Think You Can Bench?
By this point in the process, I wasn’t anywhere near an expert, but things were starting to click.
Part IV: So You Think You Can Bench?
The good news was that my shoulder felt fine with the much-needed grip change.
Part III: So You Think You Can Bench?
The first thing I learned here was I wasn’t using the proper intensity and mindset in my warm-up.
METAL Gym Training, deadlift with chains..
Ano Turtiainen, Olli Ruohola, Jari Malinen, Vesa Taavitsainen, Kalle Hyotylainen, Lari Liukkonen, Kalle Rasanen, etc..
From The Mill 12/16/2009
Dave Tate answers your business and training questions while…. On The Mill. Topics include reading material, mentoring and bicep pain.