Bridging One-Arm DB Bench Press
Bridging One-Arm DB Bench Press
Setup on edge of bench, with DB’s on quads.
Bridging DB Bench Press
Bridging DB Bench Press

Setup on edge of bench, with DB’s on quads.

Up the Rack Push Ups
Up the Rack Push Ups

This one had “conditioning” and “finisher” movement written all over it.

Walking Dips
Walking Dips

This is certainly not for the weak.

Weighted Dips
Weighted Dips

The weighted dip has been met with love and criticism in the strength training world.

Pec Deck
Pec Deck

Use a slow and controlled making sure to get a full stretch throughout the pec region.

Parallel Grip Biangular Chest Press with Band
Parallel Grip Biangular Chest Press with Band

This is one way to take a great machine and make it better.

Magnum Biangular Chest Press
Magnum Biangular Chest Press

This one is not that complicated to explain.

Kettlebell Flyes with Bands
Kettlebell Flyes with Bands

This exercise is pretty simple, despite the name.

Single-Arm Med Ball Pushup
Single-Arm Med Ball Pushup

Start in a pushup position with one hand on a med ball and one hand on the ground

Prowler Press
Prowler Press

These are a great way to pump up your chest and shoulders and aid in recovery.

Standing Cable Chest Fly
Standing Cable Chest Fly

Here is another great pec movement for those trying to avoid or come back from pec tears.

Pure Cable Flyes on Incline
Pure Cable Flyes on Incline

Since I’ve torn or injured my pecs more times than I’ve seen Paris Hilton on TV

Low Cable Cross Overs
Low Cable Cross Overs

Let’s get this straight right away. This is a movement that you are only allowed to do when no one is around.

Incline Cable Press
Incline Cable Press

This is a different movement that many have not used before. It does require a little set up but is a welcome variation.

Incline Cable Flies
Incline Cable Flies

This is a great movement for avoiding pec tears if you are training for maximum bench press strength.

Bent Over Cable Press

I will admit it. This is one movement I discovered just screwing around in the gym.

Strip the Rack Inclines
Strip the Rack Inclines

This is a great way to pump up your upper body and not think too much.

Incline Barbell Press
Incline Barbell Press

The incline press is a fairly standard lift, so I don’t think that there is too much that needs to be said about this lift.

Barbell Leverage Floor Press

Lay on the floor with your head directly between the two bars.

Foam Pressing

I always remember the famous quote from Dave Tate, “I’ll press off of anything. Give me a hoagie and I’ll press off that thing!” I swear I’m not making that up.

Floor Press w/ Chains
Floor Press w/ Chains

I am huge fan of the floor press and think this variation is about as good as the original.

Fat Bar Chain Press
Fat Bar Chain Press

The chain press is a max effort movement to help develop the lockout power of the bench press.

Fat Bar 2 Board Press

The fat bar 2 board press is a great variation to the regular 2 board press.

Close Grip Fat Bar 1/2 Foam Press
Close Grip Fat Bar 1/2 Foam Press

This movement is intended to work the triceps.

Close Grip Chain Lockouts
Close Grip Chain Lockouts

This is a great exercise to increase your lockout strength and is a good variation on the standard rack lockout.

Cambered Bar Bench Press
Cambered Bar Bench Press

The cambered bar bench press is one of the best ways to increase the strength off of your chest.

Board Presses Without Partner
Board Presses Without Partner

Many times it is hard to find someone to train with and this can be especially difficult when you need a spot or someone to hold the boards when performing a board press.

Board Press with Bench Shirt
Board Press with Bench Shirt

I do understanding most readers don’t bench press with a shirt and more than likely never will.

5 Board Press
5 Board Press

The 5 Board Press, along with the 4 Board Press, is one of of the best ways to increase lockout strength for your bench press.

5 Board Floor Press
5 Board Floor Press

The 5 Board Floor Press is performed just like a regular 5 Board Press except that you are lying on the floor.

4 Board Press
4 Board Press

I think the 4 Board Press is one of the best lockout exercises you can do.

4 Board Floor Press
4 Board Floor Press

The 4 Board Floor Press is performed just like a regular 4 Board Press except that you are lying on the floor.

3 Board Press
3 Board Press

The 3 Board Press is also a great way to control the range of motion if you are dealing with shoulder and pec injuries.

2 Board Press
2 Board Press

The 2 Board Press is one of the top 5 all-time max effort exercises.

1 Board Press
1 Board Press

The 1 Board Press has become a favorite of lifters, from raw to equipped lifters. To perform this exercise, all you need is a one board (a 2×6 works perfectly) and a regular bench.

X Band DB Bench Press
X Band DB Bench Press

The X Band press is a great tool used to mimic using a bench shirt.

X Band Barbell Bench Press
X Band Barbell Bench Press

The X Band press is a great tool used to mimic using a bench shirt.

Reverse Band Incline Press
Reverse Band Incline Press

This isn’t a common exercise but it great variation to throw in as well as a great way to do inclines if you have shoulder problems.

Reverse Band 5 Board Press
Reverse Band 5 Board Press

This lift is usually only done by lifters that have a very long wingspan and have a very large ROM.

Pushups with Band Behind Back
Pushups with Band Behind Back

Now this excise is great for shoulder, chest and triceps strength.

Fat Bar - Reverse Band Press
Fat Bar - Reverse Band Press

This movement is performed by attaching a band around the top of your power rack.

Crazy Bell Incline Press
Crazy Bell Incline Press

It is not often that we run across a movement that is Pure Gold.

Chest Flys With Bands
Chest Flys With Bands

Lean forward and use a hugging motion.

Bench Pressing w/ Bands Around Wrists
Bench Pressing w/ Bands Around Wrists

If you have no idea what we mean when we tell you to pull the bar apart when you bench then this is the movement for you.

Band Resisted Push Up
Band Resisted Push Up

Band resisted push ups.

Abdominal Fall Outs
Abdominal Fall Outs

Begin this exercise in the same position as the suspended push-up.

 Bench Press More Weight Instantly!
Bench Press More Weight Instantly!

How many people do you see in the gym trying to make an exercise more difficult, believing the more difficult it is, the more effective the exercise will be?

 Dynamic Chest Training: What’s Your Upper Body Vertical?
Dynamic Chest Training: What’s Your Upper Body Vertical?

At some point in their training careers, most people reading this have probably been asked, “What’s your bench,” as if the bench is the one and only indicator of strength.

Items 60 to 109 of 109 total
