Training the Lats in Dao
Training the Lats in Dao
Lifters concern themselves with putting tension across the fibers of the lats in the hopes that they’ll grow — without dosing them in the smallest moment of function to help stabilize their trunk and core, minimize the risk of low back pain, and ultimately, promote longevity in lifting.
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
When performed properly, deadlifts can be a powerful exercise movement for strengthening your lats. Emphasis on “when performed properly.”
3 Quick Fixes for a Stronger Deadlift
3 Quick Fixes for a Stronger Deadlift
Quick fixes: They’re usually bandages on a leaky pipe. But in some cases, a quick fix might be more like the duct tape that fixed the Apollo 13 module. These 3 technique fixes are like duct tape for your deadlift, so wrap up and strengthen that lift.
WATCH: Build Your Press 9 Ways
WATCH: Build Your Press 9 Ways
Don’t be afraid to mix up your workout routine with something new. Try a new exercise and see if it works well for you. That’s what I did today, and it ended up being a solid workout session. Plus, my bench press has felt stronger every week. Try it! What’ve you got to lose?
The Quadruped Row Exercise for Lat Isolation Issues
The Quadruped Row Exercise for Lat Isolation Issues
Have a lat activation issue? So does elitefts athlete Joe Sullivan. After getting the green light from his physical therapist (and thinking like an athlete even though he’s a self-proclaimed “dumb weightlifter”), he’s working on some isolation exercises, like the quadruped row.
Building the Bench, Piece by Piece
Building the Bench, Piece by Piece
This article gives you the 12 best exercises to build mass in the necessary areas for a stronger bench press. Body-part by body-part, exercise by exercise, it’s all here.
Bodybuilder Back: A Different Approach
Bodybuilder Back: A Different Approach
Incorporate these alternative back-training methods into your programming to build a bigger back and sharper V-Taper.
Bent Over Rope Rows for Lower Lat Destruction
Bent Over Rope Rows for Lower Lat Destruction
This movement will destroy your lower lats. Only for those who are DRIVEN.
A Back Complex To Stimulate Recovery
A Back Complex To Stimulate Recovery
Mark Dugdale takes us through a simple yet effective recovery complex he uses during back training.
WATCH: David Allen Discusses 3 Common Back Exercise Technique Flaws
WATCH: David Allen Discusses 3 Common Back Exercise Technique Flaws
The owner of NBS Fitness gives you a back-training focused edition of NBS Whiteboard Talk.
The Dante Row For The Lat Development You've Been Looking For
The Dante Row For The Lat Development You've Been Looking For
A forgotten back exercise that will pump blood into your lats like never before
Exercise the Lats in the Sagittal Plane
Exercise the Lats in the Sagittal Plane
You must be tired of training your lats with just two exercises and in one plane of motion (frontal). Add dumbbell pullovers to your back routine and isolate your lats in the sagittal plane.
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
Branch Warren Obliterates Back
Branch Warren Obliterates Back
Eight minutes of inspiration from the most hardcore bodybuilder still in the game.
Elitefts™ Chained Low Cable Row
Elitefts™ Chained Low Cable Row
Dave Tate performs a set of chained low cable rows.
Elitefts™ Incline Bench 4" Grenade Ball Straight-Arm Pull Downs
Elitefts™ Incline Bench 4" Grenade Ball Straight-Arm Pull Downs
John Meadows performs incline bench straight-arm pull downs
Elitefts™ Alternating Low Cable Row
Dave Tate performs a set of alternating low cable rows
Lat Pull Down with Tsunami Bar
Lat Pull Down with Tsunami Bar
John Meadows performs a lat pull down with the elitefts™ Tsunami Lat Pulldown Ba
Elitefts™ Banded Pullovers
Elitefts™ Banded Pullovers
John Meadows performs an intense set of banded pull overs
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 6)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 6)
Brian Carroll learns how to stiffen his core.
Fat Bar DD Handle Pull Ups
Once again, utilizing grip work during the workout, not only at the end, allows athletes to develop grip strength endurance while also performing pulling movements.
Bent Over DB Row
Using a bench to stabilize yourself, grasp the dumbbell and pull it towards your lower pec.
Fat Bar Chain Push Ups
Fat Bar Chain Push Ups
Fat bar chain push ups.
Swiss Bar Grappler Press
Swiss Bar Grappler Press
Nobody said this was easy.
Swiss Bar Yates Rows
Swiss Bar Yates Rows
Dorian Yates’ signature back exercise.
Swiss Bar Row With Chains
Swiss Bar Row With Chains
Add a little rattle to those rows.
Medium Grip Pull Up
Medium Grip Pull Up
They will help improve your lockout strength in the deadlift.
Barbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Bent Over Row
If you bench, you should row. If not, you should still row.
Fat Gripz Strip Set - Rows
Video demonstration on how to strip you grip.
Kroc Row
225 Kroc Rows
KB Prone Rows
KB Prone Rows using rest pause.
Pull-Up Variations
Pull-Up Variations
Multiple Pull Up Variation Video
Lean back Lat Pulldowns (using rest pause)
Lean back Lat Pulldowns (using rest pause)
Lean Back Lat Pulldowns (using rest pause)
One Ring Pull Ups
One Ring Pull Ups
Pull ups and push ups are critical in our workouts, especially our combative athletes.
One Arm Pull-Up
One Arm Pull-Up
I’m not sure what to do with this exercise except to say that this will definitely increase your “cool” quotient (CQ) with fellow gym-goers.
Monkey Chin Bar
Monkey Chin Bar
Remember when Beavis and Butthead came out and everyone said, “I could have thought of that?” Well, the Monkey Chin Up Bar is the same way, although I’m not sure that its going to have the same appeal and cash flow as Mike Judge’s characters did.
Low Row Pull Ups
Low Row Pull Ups
Postural benefits and upper back strength and stability
Hanging Shrugs
Hanging Shrugs
One good tip is to try and keep your chin down. This will keep you from pulling into the start of a chin.
Ring Pull Ups
Ring Pull Ups
The power of these is like blast straps, you can turn your hands any which way you please to alter the angle in which your upper body gets worked.
Leverage Rows
Leverage Rows
You’ll need to add smaller plates here so the weights don’t hit your legs
Leverage One-Arm Pulls
Leverage One-Arm Pulls
Grab the sleeve for thick handle – grip work
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Moving along now…..
Weighted Moderate Wide Grip Chins
Weighted Moderate Wide Grip Chins
Start with a full stretch, back arched and chin up.
Rope Pull Ups
Rope Pull Ups
These will test your grip big time.
Pull ups with Spud Straps
Pull ups with Spud Straps
I love doing this exercise.
Free Standing DB Row
Free Standing DB Row
The only advice that I have for those of you that want to try this exercise is this; make sure you have a strong and conditioned lower back that has very good static strength.
Decline Rope Rows
Decline Rope Rows
These are the same as “fat man rows” except the grip is taxed to a much greater degree.
Dumbbell Chest Supported Row
Dumbbell Chest Supported Row
Flex elbows and retract scapula until upper arm is approximately level with torso
Side to Side Push up
Side to Side Push up
The lifter will perform a typical push-up and while in the bottom position will push to the left and to the right and then back to center and finish at lockout, repeat.
Side to Side Ring Pull-ups
Side to Side Ring Pull-ups
Pulling from one side to the other shifts some slight weight more to one side than the other.
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
This is an awesome movement for developing pulling and grip strength.
Towel Fat Man Rows
Towel Fat Man Rows
To start, set the bar in the power rack at approximately waist height.
Waiter's Bow
Waiter's Bow
The lifter will perform a bent over row and hip extension movement with multiple plates.
Weighted Moderate-Wide Grip Chins
Weighted Moderate-Wide Grip Chins
Chins, what can we say about them?
Chest-Supported Shrugs - 45 degree
Chest-Supported Shrugs - 45 degree
One of the biggest weaknesses I have seen over the years is the upper back

Items 1 to 59 of 105 total
