I’m currently in meet prep for the 2016 XPC Finals at the Arnold Sports Festival on March 5th, in Columbus, Ohio. I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Wednesday was yet again another extra little leg pump day at the rec center. Just trying to keep the blood flowing, as I was certainly feeling Tuesday's training session. It felt good to just get moving and loosened up a bit, especially as these days are going to be dwindling. Nothing heavy or crazy, just a good in and out session again.

However, I have some NEW meet news. I will be competing at the APF Illinois State Meet on April 3rd. This meet isn't going to be anything exciting. I'm merely going to this meet to get a total and qualify for APF Nationals down in Orlando, FL at the end of May. For this meet, I'm going to be competing at 148 and just hitting about 75% weights or so, so it's not going to be a true meet for me. Just doing the minimum to get to the next step (nationals). If I wasn't doing the XPC Finals, I would certainly treat this meet like any other, but knowing that I will be competing 4 weeks after XPC's, and roughly 6 weeks away from nationals, I'm going to be smart and not destroy my body doing too many meets (hard) in a short time frame. I will likely not even go too crazy at APF Nationals either, just enough to win so that I can qualify for world's in November. So not huge news, but there is more on the agenda for sure in 2016.

Items Used in this Training Session

A1) Goblet Box Squats with Band Around Knees
100 total reps

B1) Leg Press vs Bands

C1) Single Leg Leg Extensions
3x20 per leg

D1) Standing Leg Curls
3x30 per leg

E1) Seated Abduction Machine