Logic Does Not Apply IV: Exercise for Weight Loss
Logic Does Not Apply IV: Exercise for Weight Loss

If exercise does affect fat loss, we could create very simple experiments to determine the amount.

Women: Running into Trouble
Women: Running into Trouble

But then I watch my friend, Jessica, running on the treadmill, day after day, year after year, running like a madwoman and going nowhere.

Carb Back-loading
Carb Back-loading

Everyone’s eating them first thing in the morning, or cycling them, some people are going anabolic—having carbs just on the weekend—and still others are having just one Carb Nite® a week.

The Hulk Factor
The Hulk Factor

Weakness just bit you in the ass.

Logic Does Not Apply III: A Calorie is a Calorie
Logic Does Not Apply III: A Calorie is a Calorie

It’s time to attack one of my personal favorites, the saying that a calorie is a calorie.

Logic Does Not Apply Part 2: Breakfast
Logic Does Not Apply Part 2: Breakfast

People that are either malicious or ignorant hold the diet and health industry, and even government agencies hostage.

Logic Does Not Apply Part 1: Meal Frequency
Logic Does Not Apply Part 1: Meal Frequency

No one trusts an idea that hasn’t been built upon smaller, proven steps.

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