There’s always something crazy going on in this industry. At any moment, there’s a maniac in a weight room taking a dangerous lift and a shady businessman in an office finding a way to turn dirty profits. The posts you find here in my log are the musings of a mashed-up meathead — the reactions I have as I spend my whole life watching this industry. I will share my thoughts with you here, unedited, uncensored, unfiltered, and Under The Bar. If you are offended by profanity - do not read this. 



We would wait until it was dark out and head over to a local pond where a huge tree hung over the water. We climbed to the top where there was a small wooden platform and a rope.


If you had the balls you climbed the vast series of 2x4's  nailed into the tree, once you were at the top most would climb back down but that wasn't easy when you couldn't see where you were going. If you did decide to go you could use the rope and swing out into the water or you could just jump.
If you used the rope your feet hit the water on the downward part of the swing so you got to feel how cold the water was as well as  where you would land (the deepest part). You still were going in but you knew how it would be. BUT, you knew and everyone else knew you were taking the easy way.


If you just jumped you “kinda” knew based on what others said but you didn’t really have a feel for the water. BUT, if you jumped, as soon as you left the platform there was NO turning back. You were on your way and it felt scary for a few second than you hit the water. The water was as dark as the sky so you didn't know or see it coming, all you could do is speculate and hope you jumped out far enough to not fall on the land below.


When you were in the water there was no doubt if it was warm or cold. The problem was the ride wasn’t over when you hit, you keep going deeper and deeper. The bigger you were the deeper and faster you sank. You wondered if you would hit bottom and if you did what would you hit. We were told there were cars, trucks and farm equipment down there.  We didn't know if this was true or not but we had no idea how deep the pond was either.


We then would wonder if we would have enough air to get back up.  With all the darkness we had no idea where the water ended and night sky began.


It was all "dark".


Once we  did get back up we couldn't see the shore and had no idea  how far it was or what direction to swim. We had to listen to the voices of those with us as this would tell us what direction to go. As we swam the voices got louder and louder and we finally hit the bank.


When we got out the first thing asked was...


“Are you going again?”


The answer was always the same “HELL NO!”.


Then a month later you were right back there again.


Sometimes in Business and Life taking the rope or jump isn't the gauge of the challenge, it's after you sink to the lowest part and begin the climb back that the real test begins.  Anyone can jump or swing down. Hell, some were even pushed in. It's fighting your way back that you  need to hear the voices and listen to where they're calling you to go. When all is dark and you are stuck in the middle there will be many voices. You have to decide what and whom to listen to.


* With each stroke you may doubt your direction but you can't  see the end in sight.

* The trip back could be short or long, it will still be to dark to know.
* The trip back could be easy or hard but it's to dark to know.

* The voices you hear may be in your head or on the shore. You won't be able to see clearly enough to know.


You will have a lot of water to tread and still won't  see exactly where your going but I if you trust in the voices and your own ability you will find you way back to the shore. The take away is you MUST DECIDE what direction to move and once you do - get your ass moving. You wait to long you will sink, you doubt the path you will move to slow and sink. Decide and execute because there will come another day you will want to...


... take another leap of faith.


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