Dave Tate


Dave 'Under The Bar' has been involved in Strength & Conditioning for over three decades. He has logged more than 40,000 hours of training and consulting with professional, elite, gen pop and novice athletes, trainers and coaches. He has spoken at over 100 events and authored 20 books, as well as, writing over 2000 articles for magazines and prominent websites. Dave competed in Powerlifting between 1983-2004 obtaining elite rankings in multiple weight classes. Dave is married to elitefts co-founder Traci Arnold-Tate where they resided in London, Ohio with their two sons. Personal Credo: Live, Learn, Pass on™.

Optimal Reality
Optimal Reality
Is this really the most optimal way to train? NO, not at all, but…
The Education of a Powerlifter
The Education of a Powerlifter
This is one of the best and most popular articles to ever be posted on the site. After you read this you will understand what it means to Live, Learn, and Pass On.
Successful Box Squat Cycles
Successful Box Squat Cycles
Rather than just writing one cycle, I’ve decided to make an easy to follow quasi-article that contains all the different cycles for the squat that I’ve used with success. YES to chains and bands.
Why I Hate the Deadlift
Why I Hate the Deadlift
The deadlift is just that thing you have to do in a meet before you go to dinner.
They are NOT Angry Birds!
They are NOT Angry Birds!
I used to hate the term “special needs,” but now I can’t stand people who say they hate the term. FACT: My son has special needs.
14 Deadlift Tips and Tricks
14 Deadlift Tips and Tricks
His not-so-secret deadlift tricks and personal tips for fixing those bad habits. Insight from the man himself, Dave Tate.
The Westside I Remember
The Westside I Remember
With our Westside Table Talk episode coming up I thought I’d add more background to this article on Westside and the lifters I met there
3 Ways to Destroy Your Training
3 Ways to Destroy Your Training
In this video, I talk about three ways to destroy your training.
Something I've NEVER Spoke About
Something I've NEVER Spoke About
Something I've NEVER Spoke About: How I Get Into The Void State.
The Oreo Challenge Just Became A THING!
The Oreo Challenge Just Became A THING!
It looks like The Oreo Challenge has caught on. The time to beat is 2:56:56. Will you be the one to do it.
The 5 Most Overlooked Strength Training Tips
The 5 Most Overlooked Strength Training Tips
5 strength training tips that will help you in the weight room
How To Do The Barbell Squat 101
How To Do The Barbell Squat 101
I was asked if I could help Alexander Meadows with his squat. After catching up and trying to determine what his training needs and desires were, we got to work. Alexander came out with John many times, and I would work with him here and there while John was filming content for his site.
Dave Tate Ranting About Personal Core Values
Dave Tate Ranting About Personal Core Values
In this Table Talk Sam and I discuss the new elitefts Smelling Salts, the Arnold Classic, Exercise Selection, and Core Values. I have this clip beginning at the Core Values.
Is It Really Not Your Fault?
Is It Really Not Your Fault?
“My coach had me go up to a weight that was too heavy.” I can see how you might feel this was the coach’s fault—but who decided this would be your coach?
Dave Tate's Table Talk Podcast #73
Dave Tate's Table Talk Podcast #73
Dave and Sam wanted to catch up after Sam was gone for a week, but then we thought we should all catch up! So join us for this super informal talk a week out from the Arnold Classic!
Understanding How to Piece Together the Puzzle of Training
Understanding How to Piece Together the Puzzle of Training
After a long break, Dave Tate and Sam Brown are back and discussing how to train different people and personality types. Here's a little bit of insider information for you, It's like putting together a puzzle!
5 Things All Lifters Must Master
5 Things All Lifters Must Master
Stop with the, I “suck” attitude, and change it to, I’m getting there... and put in the right actions to validate it.
Going Through The Motions
Going Through The Motions
The difference between a serious lifter and a recreational one is the focus on ALL of it not SOME of it.
My Thoughts - John Meadows
My Thoughts - John Meadows
This is my Instagram post from Aug 10th, 2021   This is my first blog post in a very long while. I decided to make it a repost of what I wrote on my IG account last week because I see this as the best way to restart my blog.   I’d rather not write […]
The Powerbuilder Program is Here
The Powerbuilder Program is Here
We will beat puniness and weakness once and for all as we combine bodybuilding and powerlifting to form the ULTIMATE unity.
Casey Williams Rules To Deload By. Breaking It Down Using The 60% Rule.
Casey Williams Rules To Deload By. Breaking It Down Using The 60% Rule.
  "The Rules of a Deload: Take the exact (or almost exact) training sessions from the previous week and... 1. Reduce intensity by 60% (not 60% of your max but 60% of the previous week). 2. Reduce volume by 60% 3. Remove taxing movements - taxing will mean different things to different lifters (For me […]
Dave Kirschen's Free 443 Page E-Book On How To Use Powerlifting Gear
Dave Kirschen's Free 443 Page E-Book On How To Use Powerlifting Gear
Click On Book To Down Load ebook - No strings attached.  
Dave Tate's Top 5 Max Effort Bench Press Movements
Dave Tate's Top 5 Max Effort Bench Press Movements
1. Various Board Presses — Same as bench press except you'll bring the bar down to a select number of 2 x 6 boards on your chest. The two board press would be two 2 x 6's (one on top of the other). The board is usually around 12 to 16 inches in length to […]
JM Blakley's Secret Tricep Exercise
JM Blakley's Secret Tricep Exercise
Elitefts Columnist and Bench Press legend JM Blakley reveals a secret exercise he uses to build the tricep muscles, but more specifically the long head tricep.  
Challenge Sets
Challenge Sets
When it comes to challenge sets, are there valid reasons, based in “science” on why they should be done?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's Garage Gym Warm-up
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's Garage Gym Warm-up
Nearly a decade of training combined, and what have Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, and Vincent Dizenzo learned about the perfect warm-up?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate and Doug Heath Talk Meet Stories & Funny Louie Simmons Story
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate and Doug Heath Talk Meet Sto...
Nothing like getting together with pals and talking old powerlifting stories. From Louie Simmons trying to break your fingers after beating you in the stomach, to having rules made specifically about you.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How JM Blakley and Dave Tate Built Tendon Strength
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How JM Blakley and Dave Tate Built Ten...
JM Blakley and Dave Tate have had their fair share of tendon problems. From tears to tweaks, they’ve learned how to strengthen their tendons to help lengthen their careers and put up bigger numbers. From ultra-heavy reps to ultra-light ones, here’s a variety of tendon tools at your disposal.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Ego in Powerlifting
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Ego in Powerlifting
Sometimes ego helps you out in powerlifting. Sometimes it doesn’t. Here’s where the ego will bite you, and how to mold yourself for your best lifting and life.
5 Techniques GUARANTEED to Increase Your Bench Press
5 Techniques GUARANTEED to Increase Your Bench Press
The second part from John Meadows YouTube channel
5 Exercises GUARANTEED to Increase Your Bench Press
5 Exercises GUARANTEED to Increase Your Bench Press
Video series from John Meadows YouTube channel
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Mark Bell Recalls Telling Louie Simmons How He Squatted 1080 Pounds
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Mark Bell Recalls Telling Louie Simmon...
Everyone likes putting their own tweak on popular programming. Louie Simmons was not very receptive when he learned Mark Bell had changed his, however. You’d think a 180-pound squat PR would speak for itself, but apparently it was still no good.
Table Talk Podcast #56: Where's Dave Tate?
Table Talk Podcast #56: Where's Dave Tate?
What are people most interested in seeing on the podcast? Who would be the perfect guest? Which topics should be covered? Talking the future of the podcast and when Dave is returning!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Daily Movements Lifters Are Screwing Up Outside of the Gym
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Daily Movements Lifters Are Screwing U...
Stop screwing up your deloads and you’ll see less back pain and significantly increased performance. Then stop screwing up how you tie your shoes! Done incorrectly, small movements can add up to exacerbate back pain.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate Exposes Fitness Hacks
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate Exposes Fitness Hacks
What does the fitness landscape look like for beginners, and what can we do as trainers to help them best? It’s oversaturated with con artists, and we need to understand the beginner’s perspective to be able to help them best.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #55: Strength History
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #55: Strength History
Who becomes great? What matters now to keep your legacy moving to the next generation? Steve Goggins is Dave Tate’s pick for the most underrated powerlifter, and he has his theories for why he isn’t mentioned.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Only Have 3 Days Per Week To Train?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Only Have 3 Days Per Week To Train?
If you’re struggling to make your workouts fit a new and tighter schedule, Dave Tate shares his pro tips for making 3-day and 2-day week splits work with great results.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #54: Strength History
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #54: Strength History
We’re looking at freaky feats of strength across the board of strength sports. Listen to this first Table Talk podcast: Strength History.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Brian Alsruhe and Dave Tate Discuss Finding the Edge
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Brian Alsruhe and Dave Tate Discuss Fi...
Dave Tate and Brian Alsruhe both know you can’t do the same thing forever and expect results. In the pursuit of maximal performance, you have to find your way to step ahead of the crowd. How do you identify what your own edge is?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #53 with Eric Cressey
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #53 with Eric Cressey
Eric Cressey, a strength and conditioning legend known best for his expertise in baseball athletes, joins the Table Talk Podcast to talk with our elitefts co-hosts. This talk sounds off how to get athletes stronger, healthier, and better in spite of COVID-19.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What's Missing From Younger Lifter's Approach to Training
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What's Missing From Younger Lifte...
“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room…” — Socrates
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #52 with Chris Lambert
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #52 with Chris Lambert
Chris Lambert joins us to talk about gym closures in New Jersey. Listen as he explains the news-breaking controversy at Atilis Gym in Bellmawr.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #51 with Chris Bartl and Scott Paltos
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #51 with Chris Bartl and Scott Paltos
A fresh new layout with new cohosts kick off episode 51 with guests Scott Paltos and Chris Bartl.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate on the Risks and Rewards of Powerlifting
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate on the Risks and Rewards of ...
Every action has a reaction. If you remain indifferent to the negative reactions while only focusing on the positive reactions, you’re likely going to experience a major wake up call sooner or later.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Yessica Martinez Discusses JM Blakley Coaching Her Bench Press
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Yessica Martinez Discusses JM Blakley ...
In hindsight, what was Yessica Martinez’s biggest takeaway from working with the bench press wizard JM Blakley?
ASK ME ANYTHING - May 06, 2020
ASK ME ANYTHING - May 06, 2020
ASK ME ANYTHING - May 06, 2020 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 70 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — This One Time, at Westside Barbell…
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — This One Time, at Westside Barbell…
Great coaching, brawls and talking trash all go hand in hand at elite powerlifting gyms. When Dave Tate has a story to tell about Westside Barbell, it’s a good idea to stop and listen.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Swede Burns & Dave Tate Discuss Bar Position For The Squat
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Swede Burns & Dave Tate Discuss Ba...
Being jacked as hell got your shoulders a little tight? Here’s how you fix your squat bar position for better performance, less pain, and a bigger total.
ASK ME ANYTHING - April 20, 2020 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 100 more questions answered.
Autism Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month
I hate to admit this, but I feel bad about it. With all that’s going on, I forgot it’s Autism Awareness Month. ⁣
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What Age Should Kids Start Lifting Weights?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What Age Should Kids Start Lifting Wei...
Did you miss out on your peak potential by picking up powerlifting too late? Or would you be nowhere near where you are by starting too early?
ASK ME ANYTHING - April 16, 2020 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 100 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Swede Burns Talks About His 9000-Calorie Diet
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Swede Burns Talks About His 9000-Calor...
Need a little bit of bulking inspiration? Swede Burns and Dave Tate trade tips. Swede lays out the entirety of his diet he used to maintain a 330-pound bodyweight as a powerlifter.
ASK ME ANYTHING - April 7, 2020 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 120 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate Reminisces About His Early Days As a Trainer
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate Reminisces About His Early D...
Dave Tate knows it all right? Not always… Here’s a major blunder and how he bounced back.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #50 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #50 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Ji...
The three amigos are back! Need a laugh? You’ll want to watch and listen to this home edition of Table Talk.

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