Let's keep this short and simple...



Define your level of commitment. For many, it's a level of ”all-in or quit” or ”burn the bridges” — basically, total commitment. Others will decide on ”all-in some of the time.” Nobody decides this for you, but you need to understand how this works. Each choice comes with trade-offs, and you won't get just the best of both. Be OK with your decision—and with the outcome. 


Knowledge Before Results:

You may never be the best, but you must always be learning and improving. You don't have to be the best to have solid technical skills. If you have been doing something for years and still have not yet mastered the basics, you are only playing the game—you are not a student of the game.


Ditch Distractions:

If you are serious about what you are doing, there will be times when you must ditch all distractions. Yes, all of them. Consider the risk/benefit analysis of every action. If it's not helping in any way, why bother with it? If it consumes time or money without providing any benefit, it's a liability—you need to cut it out or accept the cost of the distraction without complaining about hindered progress or loss of focus.


Don’t Rely On Others:

This doesn't mean you shouldn't trust anyone. Let me explain it this way: If you have been training hard and seriously for two decades, what happened to all those other serious people you knew 5, 10, 15, or 20 years ago? At the end of the day, it’s all on YOU. 100%. 



If you ask any coach, teacher, or mentor what frustrates them most, they will tell you that it’s having to show the same things over and over and over and over...well, you get it. After so many repetitions, it becomes clear that the other person doesn’t care enough to pay attention, listen or learn. A good coach will realize when they are wasting their time. A great coach will see this wasted time as a disservice to all the others who are willing to learn and improve. A wise student seeks great coaches but also does all the work to be ready when they find one.