
For the first time in a long time, I was pain free and felt strong at the same time. The two weeks I took off before the meet definitely helped me come in fresh. Every rep in my warmup was explosive and strong, and I ended with an 875-pound squat in the warmup room. Boom! Smoke show! I was confident for the first time ever.

First attempt: 950 pounds
I absolutely destroyed it! It was the best that 950 pounds has ever felt in my life.

Second attempt: 1,024 pounds
I fired out of the hole, but my chest didn't come up as fast. Halfway up, I corrected it and finished it easily.

Third attempt: 1,074 pounds (PR attempt)
For the first time ever, I was confident I would smoke a lift. I got to the hole and Blamo! Massive cramp in both quads. I was so pissed because my squats have never felt that good on the platform. Lesson learned—I will do even more in the future to make sure I don't cramp on meet day.

Gear: Metal Jack pro squatter, Metal ace pro briefs, EFS Krait wraps, EFS P2 Belt


I was scared for the bench. Training sucked, and in the shirt it sucked even worse. I opened up really low and that was a mistake.

First attempt: 585 pounds
Too light to touch, so I ended up dumping it on my stomach. It was the first time I have ever done that.

Second attempt: 620-ish pounds
At this point I was extremely pissed and motivated to get that bench. The extra weight kept me in the right groove, and I touched and pressed. Easy.

Third attempt: 677-ish pounds
My confidence was high, and I took it to where it needed to go and hit it! I was good for a PR that day, but I messed it up and opened too low. Wasted an attempt. Lesson learned

Gear: Metal Jack Pro Bencher, EFS Krait wraps


First attempt: 705-ish pounds
My confidence and intensity were super high, and I was looking forward to pulling the whole meet. However, I got too excited and just muscled it up with shitty form.

Second attempt: 765-ish pounds
This time, I channeled the anger a little more. I had good form and smoked it—easier than the 705 pounds.

Third attempt: 820-ish pounds (PR attempt)
I felt ready to nail it, and I was strong and confident. I missed it halfway up, though, and I don't have an explanation for it. The 765 pounds was so easy that I was sure I had the PR. Chalk it up to being the end of an 11-hour day, I suppose.

Gear: Metal pro squatter, P2 belt


I didn't PR, but I am okay with that. The bigger picture was putting on a show for the kids and their families. And we all did just that. Plus, this was the first time I squatted pain free and was completely confident and strong. I have Tom Kemper at Natural Health Chiropractic to thank for that. A combination of FAKTR (like graston) and some well-placed rock tape on my back brought my squat back from the dead. I am so happy that I added speed work to this training cycle. I had never done it before. All three of my lifts were explosive and strong, and that's never happened to me before.


  1. Compete in Bill Carpenter's UPA meet in Iowa this July. Bill puts on amazing meets, and the competitors that come are just as awesome.
  2. I will be doing my raw training without a belt for this meet and will try to train belt-less as much as I can. It will make me strong(er), so I must do it. I will also need to find a way to combine my style of training with speed work as well.
  3. I am also excited to announce that we will be moving all of our equipment into a bigger and better gym! Dakota Barbell is my home now, and I know we are gonna kill some weight this year!