WATCH: Eliminating the Numbers Game
Since applying bands and chains in his training, Johnson has not only remained competitive in the sport of powerlifting, he has also seen the gains that he was aiming to achieve.
XPC Finals — My First 2400-Pound Total
My first meet as part of elitefts was the first Lexen Pro/Am ten years ago. Last weekend, in Columbus again, I finally got to 2400.
No One Cared Who I Was Until I Put on the Mask
What if I could lift with a complete lack of inhibition, able to call upon whatever I needed from the dark recesses of my mind?
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
I’m making some changes and have employed the knowledge of several lifting legends to answer these crucial questions.
The Mental Woes of Breaking in New Gear
The whole process is a mental fuck if you let it be. From poly to canvas, here’s my most recent battle with unanticipated obstacles.
Relentless Detroit Raising Funds for Local Families
Relentless Detroit is just around the corner, only 3 weeks away! Donate today!
The Self-Education Lessons I Learned from John Meadows
The academic world will only take you so far. Once the formal education is over, how will you continue to improve yourself?
WATCH: The Evolution of Bands and Chains
Bob Youngs and Marshall Johnson talk about how they were both introduced to accommodating resistance techniques.
General Mistakes All Powerlifters Make
There are things that are right in powerlifting. There are things that are wrong in powerlifting. And then there are things that work for only you. Learn to tell them apart.
How I Train for a Meet, Month Two
The month of raw training has ended. Now it’s time to learn your gear and hit big doubles.
WATCH: Johnson Reveals Tate's Advice and Discusses 2015 XPC Finals
Without the typical support from his wife, Marshall was forced to look elsewhere for reassurance.
The Freakshow Speaks!
Knockouts and a bench PR were a part of Marshall Johnson's XPC Finals weekend.
Unrecognized Benefits of a Commercial Gym
We all love a chalk-filled garage gym or a basement torture chamber with Olympic plates leaning against cracked cinder block walls, but the commercial gym presents some perks that your powerlifting gym lacks.
WATCH: A Message from Team elitefts
There's more to our athletes than big numbers and world-class physiques. Find out what really matters to Team elitefts this holiday season.
Marshall Joins 1100 Pound Squat Club
Two years of doubt were erased by one lift at the UPA Twin City Barbell Backyard Show of Strength.
WATCH: Team elitefts Shares What Change Led to Their Greatest Improvement
If you're looking to make the changes necessary to reach your goals, look to the guidance of these champion lifters. What do you need to change in your life?
Team Report: Relentless Detroit 2014
In an event designed to foster hope, three members of elitefts use their talents for more than PRs.
Marshall "Freakshow" Johnson Relentless Detroit
Marshall “Freakshow” Johnson video recap of his lifting from Relentless Detroit
Marshall "Freakshow" Johnson Relentless Detroit
Marshall "Freakshow" Johnson video recap of his lifting from Relentless Detroit.
Weekend of World Records and World Champions
Two new team members, on the same weekend, out doing massive things.
Why Kai Didn't Win (and Why It Doesn't Matter)
In a sport that has gone from high school stages to large Vegas venues, winning the Mr. Olympia has become much more than just having the biggest and best conditioned physique on stage.
How I Train for a Meet, Month One
The Freakshow lays down his game plan for powerlifting. Can you handle it?
How Training for a Single-ply Meet Benefited My Multi-ply
I knew I wasn’t done powerlifting, not by a long shot, but something needed to change.
How 810-Pound Deadlifter Marshall Johnson Uses Cardio
Elitefts Pro Powerlifter Marshall Johnson details how he implements cardio into his training program.
Marshall Johnson: Iron Battle on the Mississippi
Do I have the confidence to go up to my planned third attempt, or take the same weight?
The Death Lift!
Nowadays, people can put a lot of time into mastering their supportive gear and get hundreds of pounds of carryover, especially in the squat and bench.
Carry the Weight, Lift the Weight — It’s What We Do
Give back what you have been given, and if you get the chance thank them for what they did for you
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: How to Train Different Personality Types
What elitefts™personality are you?
Arnold Classic Roundtables: Universal Nutrition, Part 3
Nutrition is the name of the game in this final interview with Universal Nutrition athletes.
The Freakshow: Relentless
For the first time in a long time, I was pain free and felt strong at the same time.
The Most Impressive Display of Grit
Mental toughness is almost as important as physical strength when it comes to breaking through barriers and fears. And these young men have what it takes.
Weaker Than my Wife: Gym Idiots
You’re not the only one who has to suffer through it. Marshall Johnson has experienced his own commercial gym woes.
Gear on the Brain
Serious lifters love it, but novice lifters have no clue how to get started. Our top gear experts answer your questions!
Chaos Method Training
Up until the last few months, my template has been the same. It was coined the “Chaos Method.”
A Very Ladewski LTT, Part I
My LTT experience usually begins on Thursday— a little earlier than everyone else. During the last LTT in May, I worked with a dozen youth athletes doing some speed training work, and I was invited to do so again this time.
Iron Subculture Podcast: JL Holdsworth's "Six Things That Real...
The sixth episode of the Iron Subculture Podcast features JL Holdsworth, John Meadows, Shelby Starnes, Mick Manley, Marshall Johnson, Julia Ladewski and more…
My Trip to Learn To Train 5
This is the tale of the best weekend of my existence! I went to the Learn To Train seminar at the compound. We met some of the best minds and people in lifting, training and in life!
44 and Broken, Part 7
I’m coming to the end of the training cycle, and the meet is only a few weeks away.
PL Newbie Guide
How to prepare, what to expect, and all that comes in between your first time on the platform.
The Sour Project (Episode 1): Ericka, Ericka, Ericka...
I have a hard time being a cheerleader for someone who praises half squats and barely-there benches
Maintaining Upper Back Tightness in the Squat
If it is a weakness issue, you should be adding good mornings and Zercher squats to your assistance training.
Iron Subculture Podcast (Episode #5)
We have our first Listener Feedback segment and I also check in with the three new members of Team elitefts™: Mickey Manley, Chad Walker and Marshall Johnson. The episode is one hour and eleven minutes.
Do I Look That Paranoid?
I have noticed another repeat customer that comes in via a creepy full-size Chevy van.
LTT4 Training Footage
We were thrilled to have Trent Chance shoot video at the Sunday morning training session we had following the Learn To Train Seminar.
Spotlight: Marshall Johnson – Relentless Drive
We fully expect 98-pound weaklings to protest outside of our offices when this article is posted.