Now THAT'S What I Call Impressive!
Now THAT'S What I Call Impressive!
Not everyone is as lucky as me when it comes to seeing some of the most amazing moments in powerlifting. Since that’s the case, I’m sharing memories from the archives starring Chuck Vogelpohl, George Halbert, Steve Goggins, Travis Rogers, and Oleksandr Kutcher.
Brian Schwab's Gear Recommendations
Brian Schwab's Gear Recommendations
From wraps and singlets to briefs and suits, here are the things I believe you should be wearing when you step on the platform.
The Mental Woes of Breaking in New Gear
The Mental Woes of Breaking in New Gear
The whole process is a mental fuck if you let it be. From poly to canvas, here’s my most recent battle with unanticipated obstacles.
Behind the Numbers: Interview with Bruce Mason
Behind the Numbers: Interview with Bruce Mason
With a growing record of impressive meet numbers, this young and talented lifter aims to take over the sport of geared powerlifting.
XPC Finals: Janek and Coach Analyze Performance
XPC Finals: Janek and Coach Analyze Performance
Tank and his coach know how training has to change.
The Freakshow: Relentless
The Freakshow: Relentless
For the first time in a long time, I was pain free and felt strong at the same time.
Jo Jordan: The Go-To Gear Guy for Newbies on Up
Jo Jordan: The Go-To Gear Guy for Newbies on Up
Gear questions? Jo Jordan’s your man.
Getting a Bench Shirt On...Alone
Getting a Bench Shirt On...Alone
Benching alone? And with a shirt? Clint Darden has a few tricks up his sleeve for geting that sucker on.
44 and Broken, Part 6
44 and Broken, Part 6
I am now 3 weeks out from the meet… Mentally, I have been better.
Off the Cuff with Brian Carroll: Gear Tips
Off the Cuff with Brian Carroll: Gear Tips
If you’re new to the art of lifting in powerlifting gear, here are some tips you should consider. Your form will go to crap, you’ll panic and go way too deep, or you’ll go brain-dead and cut the squat by three inches.
Breaking in the Ace
Breaking in the Ace
Get in the shirt and learn the groove.
44 and Broken, Part 5
44 and Broken, Part 5
I’ll need to learn how to either let go of the past (misses) or to re channel the energy into something positive and EAT.
44 and Broken, Part 4
44 and Broken, Part 4
I’m half way through the training cycle for my meet. I almost forgot how hard training for a meet is on your body.
Going Pro
Going Pro
I started experimenting with single ply gear a few months ago including Metal IPF V-Type Squatter, Metal IPF King Presser, and Metal IPF Deadlifter.
Justin Learning The Bench Shirt
Justin Learning The Bench Shirt
METAL Gym Training, GM with camber bar and green bands..
METAL Gym Training, GM with camber bar and green bands..
METAL Gym Training, deadlift with chains..
METAL Gym Training, deadlift with chains..
Ano Turtiainen, Olli Ruohola, Jari Malinen, Vesa Taavitsainen, Kalle Hyotylainen, Lari Liukkonen, Kalle Rasanen, etc..
 The 5/3/1 Bench Routine for the Equipped Lifter
The 5/3/1 Bench Routine for the Equipped Lifter
The entire routine is structured around the strength curve that you would use while benching in a good shirt. The main exercises are floor presses with chains, 4-boards, 5-boards, and shirted bench work.

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