531 Mashup Peaking Block
This is the peaking block that goes with my 531 Mashup training program. Time to go for some maxes.
Should You Do Less Recovery Work On A Challenging Week?
Doing less recovery work during your hardest training block sounds counterintuitive doesn't it?
Self-Care Sunday 8/25/24
Sundays are full rest days or Self-Care Sundays as I have dubbed them. If you burn the training candle on both ends these are nice.
Saturday 8/24/24 Conditioning
Conditioning work and how I keep getting deeper into the root of my sciatica/hip issue
Dizenzo's 5/3/1 Mashup
I have had a run on awesome training in 2024. I feel this a great 5/3/1 program for older lifters or athletes who have to mind their recovery and manage fatigue.
Friday 8/23/24 Gap Day Training
Gap/Assistance Day. My rules for this day are, no big barbell movements.Train push, pull, core, legs with as many or as few exercises as I want.
Thursday 8/22/24 Conditioning
This may bore you. However, it shows nothing extraordinary. Just consistency and will.
The Return Of My Training Log
Now that I'm retired I have a little more time on my hands. SWEET! On top of my weekly article/blog, I'm going to start keeping a regular training log.
My Latest Sciatica Cure
I have been so close to being completely pain-free that’s why I can’t give up. Here's what I'm now doing for sciatica relief.
Please Help A Great Cause
I'm raising money for the Special Olympics. They are such an amazing community of people and athletes. Please help out.
I Did The Crossfit Coffland Hero Challenge--Again!
Consistency triumphs over intensity with training. Results matter. See how I stacked up to the challenge five years later at 55.
Operation Be Less Fat Turns 15
328.5 lbs to 197.5 It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it. Here are some of my top tips.
Calling An Audible During Training
If you are feeling good while training don't be afraid to challenge yourself by calline an audible.
How I Train When My Back Pain Flares Up
I hate when my back flares up. What I hate even more is laying around hoping it will get better. So I don't.
To Train Or Not To Train On Vacation?
Like how most all training topics have more than one answer, To Train Or Not To Train On Vacation is no different.
Wendler's Take On Prilepin's Chart
I feel like I have been program hopping for a while. However, I have been following a new training program that I have developed for the better part of this year. A good portion of it is based off of Wendler's take on Prilepin's chart. I wanted to introduce it before I outline my program in the coming weeks.
I'm Retired, Now It's Time To Really Train
After 10 years in the private sector and 25 as a teacher, the time has come. I am officially retired! I'm 54 and the possibilities are endless.
Swapping Dynamic Effort For "Concerted Effort"
Dymanic effort has gone far in helping me drive through sticking points. The problem is, in my fifties, driving weights too hard can be a recipe for disaster.
Make Your Deload Count
Deloading has become a hot topic for me. Considering it's something I'm doing once a month, it's a big part of my programming.
The 5% Rule
As always I am dancing a fine line between training hard, having fun, and managing recovery. Establishing guidelines has been really helpful with that.
When Science Gets In The Way Of Training
There is more great and free training information available to us than ever before. The art to the science is figuring out how to use that information.
Your Body Will Betray You
If you are training hard, it's unreasonable to think your body will not betray you.
My New Favorite Wendlerism
Over the years I have learned many training lessons from Jim Wendler. This is one I think everyone should learn from.
A Day Off Won't Kill You
I can't believe it has come to this, however, as the saying goes "Adapt or die!" I took a day off and lived to tell about it.
My Recovery Check-In
Since recovery has been an ongoing concern with my training I have developed this preparedness matrix. I go through it before my first workout of the week every Monday.
Take Your Earbuds Out While Conditioning
I probably try to spend more time distracting myself while conditioning than I do focusing on it. Sometimes you need to be present.
Do You Science Too Much?
Training used to be so easy. You looked at a magazine article or what your buddies were doing. Now you're constantly barraged wtih new info.
Having Trouble With Fatigue... Frontload Your Big Lifts
While I do not lament getting older, I do hate having to regulate my training. Not that long ago I just remember going balls to the wall every session.
A Necessary Maintenance Training Block
With some lingering aches and pains, I planeed a maintenance training block. It turned out to be so much more
Battling Elbow Tendinitis
I was very specific with the use of the word "Battling." For the past couple of months I have been dealing with tendinitis. Unlike mosts injuries, rest was not the answer.
"Don't Give Up... Don't Ever Give Up!"
This is a quote from the great Jim Valvano during an amazing speech during the ESPY awards many years ago. Jim was an amazing college basketball coach who bravely battled cancer.
What I Am Doing To Feel Great In The Morning
Being in my fifties feeling good has become a priority of mine. Pain is a young person's game. The nagging aches were really getting to me.
When In Doubt, Don't!
You cannot get stronger in one workout, but you certainly can get a lot weaker. This is something I have learned time and time again, often the hard way.
How To Be Less Fat Over The Holidays
I posted this same blog a month ago before Thanksgiving, but the season's gluttony is not over yet.
Operation Be Less Fat - Low Days are Gains Days!
You want to get leaner, it's hard work. Don't fall prey to the bs out there. Get your mind right.
The Importance Of A Handler At A Powerlifting Meet
What's the difference between a coach and a handler at a powerlifting meet? Read this blog and I'll tell you.
Who Is On Your Coaching Mt. Rushmore?
It can be very difficult to tune out all of the social media noise. You can't listen to everyone. Who is on your coaching Mr. Rushmore?
Thanksgiving Tips For Being Less Fat
These are some of the tips I have used to lose and keep off 130 lbs. Calories do not take holidays.
Seasons For The Non Competitive Lifter
Since no longer participating in sports or competing in powerlifting I have been experiencing training ADD. Here's how I plan to combat it.
Operation Be Less Fat - Hiking, My Favorite Conditioning Tool
Hiking has so many more benefits than you might realize. Here's why it's my favorite conditioning tool.
Let's Make A Deal Lifting
When you don't fee like training, but you know you should. Or if you are short of time. Play, Let's Make A Deal Lifting.
2023 Goals, 2 Down 2 To Go, Sort Of...
Since I have stopped seriously competing in powerlifting I have been setting annual goals to strive for. Here's my progress so far.
Deload Days Versus Deload Weeks
It was always hard to know when to deload from training. This has changed dramtically for me over time. Here's what I am doing now.
Are You Training Too Hard For Fat Loss
I know it sounds crazy and counterintuitive, but can training too hard slow down your fat loss goals.
Modified Conjugate Bench Cycle
It's time to put one of my yearly goals to bed, a double bodyweight bench press. Here's how I plan to do it.
OWN Each Rep!
"Should I focus on the eccentric or concentric?" "Go to failure or RPE9?" When in doubt OWN Each Rep!
I Need More Rules Than A Gremlin
Without rules there is chaos. At this point in my life, my body completely agrees with this.
Pivot Training, How To Keep The Train On The Tracks
Too often we are hellbent on our own destruction. This week's edition offers sage advice on how not to do that.
Stick To Your F'n Rules!
Setting rules is a way to keep myself from complete and catastrophic bodily harm. I try to stick by them. You should too.
Back Update
Six weeks ago I had a low back flare up. I wrote a log about it. Here's the update on my progress.
Mature Meathead Advice - Partying and Sleep
Public Service Announcement. You can't work hard and play as hard as you used to.
OBLF - How And Why I Lost Weight On Vacation.
There was a plan to mitigate weight gain on vacation, but I did not plan on losing weight. Much like many things in life, God laughs while man plans.
Operation Be Less Fat - Another Trip Around The Sun
40 versus 54. I am not getting older. I am getting better.
How I Deal With Trouble Sleeping
Sleep is the most underused and underrated method of recovery. Here are a few tips that have helped me get the most out of my sleep.
Repeat After Me, I Will Not "F" Up My Back!
Another back flare-up. What's new? Maybe, just maybe I can be smart enough not to blow it up.
Effort-Based Training Versus Progressive Overload
I have been worrying that junk volume has me accumulating too much fatigue. This is what I have been doing about it.