All too often I feel like I have training ADD. The truth of the matter is that as long as I'm training, I'm doing something good for myself. The negative self talk does me no good.

In contemplating this issue I realize I spent the vast majority of my life competing. While younger I played lots of sports and as an adult I was a "competitive powerlifter" for three decades.

Once a sport season was over I'd jump into the next. With powerlifting I'd train for a meet, compete, and then go into an off season.

Since no longer competing I feel like I'm stuck in a rut of just training. I have goals, but I attack them sporadically instead of having a well thought out plan. That's probably what I like most about sports and powerlifting. There was always a plan.

To combat this I have decided I will be splitting my training up into three mesocycles. There will be separate strength, hypertrophy, and conditioning cycles. Each will last the minimum of two months.

I would not say two months is the best amount of time for adaptation, but it's good enough. If I want to run it longer, great. However, If I'm feeling an itch to change things up, that will be fine also. I live a lot of my life by the motto "Don't let perfection be the enemy of good enough."

Most of these will be 5/3/1 based. However, I would not be surprised if I a Conjugate strength cycle snuck in there once in a while.

I'll be working on the three program for the next month or so. I plan to have them done by the end of the year. I'll post them up when I'm done for anyone interested.