I wish I loved conditioning like I love weight training. Unless it's something adventurous like hiking, climbing, paddling, etc, I have very little interest. The problem is, the older I get, the more important conditioning becomes.

Recently I switched my weight training to a version of Conjugate mashed up with what I have taken from 5/3/1. I'm really enjoying it. With spending at least three hours a week on conditioning, I want to learn how to somewhat enjoy it so I can push myself harder when necessary.

Yesterday's conditioning called for a one hour ruck. It is a very non-exciting neighborhood session. Usually, I will load up on a podcast for the journey, but with it being a crisp spring day, I chose for quiet.

About halfway through my rucks I'm usually thinking "When is this going to be over?" However, without the outside noise of a podcast, I was really tuned in to what I was doing.

During the hour I was able to direct my mind. At one point I was taking in the beauty of the sights and sounds. The next I figured out something I had been working on for my lifting. Impressively, I was also able to focus on what I was actually doing.

I was able to be present in my rucking. I told myself if I'm rucking for my health, than it needs to be taken serisouly. No bullsh!t lamenting the trip. Make the best of each session.

Will I never put ear buds in again? I doubt it. However, I will remain aware that I need to focus on the task at hand when I'm conditioning. It's not something to just get through if I want it to provide the results I'm looking for. I'll also remember sometimes it's just great to be unplugged and present.