I was on vacation for five days and I did not do any resistance training. No bodyweight work either. I just alternated running an hour for one day and walking the next. Of course my body felt pretty good. I hate that paradox.
In all, I only missed two training sessions. So returning on Friday I was able to get a lift in. I had no particular plan other than to hit legs, a push, a pull, and some ab work.
I ended up doing dips, single arm rows, leg extensions, back raises, and crunches. Figuring the leg extensions were very quad dominant, I threw in the back raises to hit the posterior chain as well.
It was a good workout. There was no plan on weights. My only requirement was to put in good effort for three sets. Most of the sets were in the 15-20 rep range. I got relatively close to failure with each. I felt good after it and worked the next day.
Not long ago I read about a coach who has gotten to the point of just getting in to the gym and training. No plan. He's in great shape and has been doing this for some time now. I don't think I will quite go that route, but I'm not going to be a slave to a program if it doesn't suit me on a given day.
As long as I'm training, it doesn't have to be perfect. I don't think anything is anyway. Just put in the effort and be consistent.