Back on the Wagon: Returning to Training After a Long Layoff
Back on the Wagon: Returning to Training After a Long Layoff
For three months I dealt with my life while putting training in the backseat. Now with more time, energy, and motivation, these are the keys I’m using to getting back to where I was.
Four Oddball Lifts that Work
Four Oddball Lifts that Work
You’ll notice that these are stabilizer-focused lifts—that’s a common theme in sussing out the value of new lifts as well as old ones that have been rediscovered.
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
I’m making some changes and have employed the knowledge of several lifting legends to answer these crucial questions.
3 Powerlifting Rules We Keep Forgetting
3 Powerlifting Rules We Keep Forgetting
While you program the complex details of a meet-training cycle, don’t over look these principles your strength is built upon.
Do Powerlifters Need Direct Abdominal Work?
Do Powerlifters Need Direct Abdominal Work?
Some say torso stabilization comes from bracing during heavy compound movements. Others disagree.
Crunches: Not as Bad as We Thought?
Crunches: Not as Bad as We Thought?
I’ve been reading more and more on the internet about how crunches and sit-ups are evil and anyone who does them will ruin his back and a host of other bullshit stories like that.

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