Get Jacked Arms Without Wrecking Your Joints
Get Jacked Arms Without Wrecking Your Joints
Big arms and achy joints don’t go well together. With achy joints, you’ll soon be struggling to grip a pencil, let alone a dumbbell. Say goodbye to ego hump sets.
Getting the Most Out of Your Extra Workouts: Rules to Follow and Types of Extra Workouts
Getting the Most Out of Your Extra Workouts: Rules to Follow and Types o...
If you are looking to move up the ranks then extra workouts are the way to add extra volume, bring up weak muscle groups, and improve your general physical preparedness, mobility, flexibility, and body composition.
You’ll Be An Old Bastard One Day Too
You’ll Be An Old Bastard One Day Too
If you had asked me when I was 20 if I was going to still be training at almost 50, I would have said absolutely. I just didn’t know these five things would change.

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