The Simplicity Project
The Simplicity Project
By simplicity, I am referring to a minimalist approach to the programming of weight training by getting a maximum effect for the fewest number of exercises by utilizing a full body program performed three days a week. I want to challenge you all to give this a try for a period of no less than six weeks.
Ways to Sneak Cardio into Your Training
Ways to Sneak Cardio into Your Training
Following one, any, or all of these suggestions is a solid way to help prevent packing on some holiday pounds and to keep your strength gains strong.
High-Density Training for Fat Loss and Conditioning
High-Density Training for Fat Loss and Conditioning
These high-density training protocols are the holy grails of body composition training. Here are the best ones to get you started.
Seven Tips to Get Your Ass Back in the Gym
Seven Tips to Get Your Ass Back in the Gym
This article is for the grizzled veterans who are now getting up in years. If you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon here are seven easy tips to get your training back on course.
24-Hour Shift Programming for Those Who Protect and Serve
24-Hour Shift Programming for Those Who Protect and Serve
This training design has taken into account 24-hour shifts over a four-week schedule. As you can see, each week has varying work demands, so the training program must reflect this.
Circuit Training for Metabolic Gains
Circuit Training for Metabolic Gains
The idea may seem simple and basic in theory, but these circuits are brutally effective at elevating heart rate for extended periods of time.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? (Part 3)
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? (Part 3)
Let Karsten take your circuit and endurance training to a brand new level.

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