Incorporating the “Big Three” into Sports Training: Part 2
Incorporating the “Big Three” into Sports Training: Part 2

For as long as I have been involved in sports and training, I have seen more cookie cutter training programs than you can shake a stick at (and that’s a lot).

Might as well Jump
Might as well Jump

There’s nothing fancy here and no expensive machines are needed. More than likely, if you’re reading this article, you probably already have the tools to do it. Okay, let’s rock.

Incorporating the “Big Three” Into Sports Training, Part I
Incorporating the “Big Three” Into Sports Training, Part I

Sports training or sports-specific training is a different beast than competitive powerlifting. However, the “Big Three” have a great impact on the overall strength and explosiveness of the athlete. The $1500 question is how to develop a strength and speed program to help athletes excel in their sport of choice.

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