The Effects of COVID-19 Eliminated My Job
The Effects of COVID-19 Eliminated My Job
I recall heading into this year like a proverbial bull in a china shop. I was prepared for a fantastic and productive 2020. It was a sound plan until it was not. So, now what?
The elitefts Internship Guide
The elitefts Internship Guide
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about internships, all in one place.
Grad Assistants: Read This Before Applying Anywhere
Grad Assistants: Read This Before Applying Anywhere
Out of all the applications I have received from prospective graduate assistants, I kid you not, 40 percent of them went into the junk file right off the bat. Here’s how your future application can stay out of junk folders.
Are You Ready for the Inevitable?
Are You Ready for the Inevitable?
After resigning from my last position, I thought it was an opportune time to reflect on the situation and hopefully, a time for me to assist you in the process of finding your next gig. Best of luck in your job hunt!

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