Building the Raw Powerlifting Total
Building the Raw Powerlifting Total
Here are several very vital pieces of information that often go overlooked and undervalued when it comes to doing your best on the platform.
A Practical Guide to Real World Nutrition
A Practical Guide to Real World Nutrition
The most advanced scientific diet program only works if you stay committed. Consider a more flexible approach to keep you living a normal life while you transform your body.
The Science Behind the Weight Cut
The Science Behind the Weight Cut
Weight cuts are one of the worst parts of powerlifting. Here are the ins and outs of the entire process and why you might respond differently than your fellow competitor.
Meeting the Scale: The Art of Making Weight
Meeting the Scale: The Art of Making Weight
Have you ever watched a pre-fight weigh-in and noticed how gaunt and stringy that most fighters look as they get on the scale, only to see them with full cheeks and muscles the very next day as they step into the cage or ring?

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