Mistakes by a First Time Lifter
Mistakes by a First Time Lifter

This article is about a lifter who I have talked with over the internet a few times. I won’t mention any names or places, but he knows who I’m talking about. I watched a disaster happen at his first meet. There are a number of things that he and his group could have done differently to help him through his first meet. So, let me introduce you to lifter X. This is his story.

Meet Day Eats
Meet Day Eats

Here’s a good meal plan to ensure adequate energy and hydration for a powerlifting meet.

Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 2
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 2

On this program, you’ve got to eat. If you are skinny and weak, you need to eat a ton of food. And don’t just tell me that you “eat a lot.” I get this answer from many kids, and when I take one look at what they really consume, it turns out to be nothing more than a few slices of Elio’s Pizza and some cereal all day long.

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