How to Know If You Are Ready for Your First Powerlifting Meet
How to Know If You Are Ready for Your First Powerlifting Meet
I thought about competing in powerlifting for nearly a year before actually signing up for a meet. Then I learned that I wasn’t going to figure out what I needed to do to improve as a lifter if I didn’t test my abilities and face my failures.
Understanding Self-Sabotage — Too Legit To Not Quit?
Understanding Self-Sabotage — Too Legit To Not Quit?
There are legitimate reasons that sidetrack us, and there are situations where we want to find an obstacle so we don’t have to work. Do you know the difference?
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts
Truth: Sometimes hard work isn’t enough, and success can’t be made from copying and pasting what someone else did.

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