Is Your Local School or Team Training Hurting or Helping the Athlete?
Is Your Local School or Team Training Hurting or Helping the Athlete?
Private gym owners, Chris Janek and Steve Konopka discuss the relationships they’ve built with high school strength coaches, parents, and athletes to maintain one mission: help athletes reach their full potential in sport.
Improve Your 1RM Deadlift with These Variations
Improve Your 1RM Deadlift with These Variations
In the third and final part of the 1RM Lift Variation series, my powerlifting friends suggest their favorite movements for improving the deadlift through secondary movements, accessory work, and more.
Refueling and Recovery for BAMF Wrestlers
Refueling and Recovery for BAMF Wrestlers
In the final part of the #BAMF Wrestler series, Steve “Kono” Konopka and I answer questions about post-match recovery, supplement suggestions, and refueling. Sleep, cryotherapy, contrast showers, foam rolling, vitamin C, beetroot powder, and protein powder are just a few things we suggest.
Improve Your 1RM Bench Press with These Variations
Improve Your 1RM Bench Press with These Variations
I wanted to know the best movement to improve a lifter’s 1RM bench press, so I asked my powerlifting pals from all over the country for their two cents. I ended up with a lot of awesome movement suggestions, so hopefully one of these will work for you.
Circuits and Supersets for BAMF Wrestlers
Circuits and Supersets for BAMF Wrestlers
Steve “Kono” Konopka and I cover our daily pre-practice warm-ups, bulletproof shoulder circuits, what we call the “f@#k the bottom, you belong at the top” conditioning circuit, and answer a couple of questions in the third part of our #BAMF Wrestler series.
Improve Your 1RM Squat with These Variations
Improve Your 1RM Squat with These Variations
It is great to get advice from friends across the country and hear what works for them. It is my hope that after reading this, the reader will pick up something to help them perform a better more powerful squat.
Programming for a BAMF Wrestler (with Samples)
Programming for a BAMF Wrestler (with Samples)
Steve “Kono” Konopka and I go more in-depth about our wrestling programs, particularly topics covering: in-season training goals, off-season exercises to avoid, signs for a recovery session, favorite exercises, and a sample in-season schedule.
Begin Your Journey to Become a BAMF Wrestler
Begin Your Journey to Become a BAMF Wrestler
I am excited to share highlights of early discussions that Steve Konopka and I have had as we work to turn our shared vision into a reality, helping athletes along in their journeys to become BAMF wrestlers.
7 Interviews with Lifters and Coaches I Respect
7 Interviews with Lifters and Coaches I Respect
I made a list of people with informed opinions, from opposite ends of the country, with a wide variety of backgrounds. Their answers to these five questions demonstrate what is alike and what is different about their perspectives on training.

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