How to Tame the Meet Prep Beast
How to Tame the Meet Prep Beast
The meet prep beast is going to rear its ugly heads at you sometimes, and its mugs come in many forms: injuries, stress, or a lousy no-show training partner. When one of them tries to bite, it’s best to have a flexible plan of action that helps you nimbly dodge from the monster’s jaws.
Small Business Survival Strategy
Small Business Survival Strategy
My goal is to simply get you started thinking more holistically about your business and executing your dream in a way that might prevent it from becoming a nightmare.
Muscle Memory: The Three Key Muscle Fiber Changes
Muscle Memory: The Three Key Muscle Fiber Changes
The muscle memory phenomenon is a multi-faceted process with many different areas of the body having a different “memory” in relation to degree and timeframe. Let’s look deeper into this process.
All Movement Begins in the Brain
All Movement Begins in the Brain
No matter the athlete, the ability to move is the most important function to build. Sometimes, it’s best to slow things down.
Finding Your Motivation: Strength Training for Survival
Finding Your Motivation: Strength Training for Survival
Every rep felt like I was defending myself all over again.
 The Power of the Pack: Your Guide to Survival
The Power of the Pack: Your Guide to Survival
When I first started seriously strength training as a sophomore in college, I did so because everyone else on my dorm floor went down together to the weight room at 4:00 pm.

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