American Football Physical Preparation

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American Football Physical Preparation
American Football Physical Preparation was written to expose football players, physical preparation and sport coaches, to the concepts of one of the original coaches of physical preparation for football, Buddy "Coach X" Morris.
In this book, you will find information regarding the theory, methodology, bioenergetics, biodynamics, and bio-motor abilities, as they pertain to American Football. This information is unique, as it explains why football is an alactic-aerobic sport, which bio-motor abilities are most important, how biodynamics play into exercise selection, and how each team, side of the ball, position, and even individual, needs their own specific programming.
In the final section of the book, you will find practical examples of training cycles, monthly blocks, training weeks, and individual workouts, all tailored for five distinct training groups: Line, Combo, Skill, Quarterback, and Kicker/Punter. As a whole, American Football Physical Preparation will give all readers an exclusive look, and insight, of how the training process is organized, programmed and implemented, in a large team setting for American Football.

Table of Contents
Foreword ヨ I
Authorsメ Note ヨ III
Preface ヨ IV

American Football Training
1.1 American Football Philosophy/Tactics
1.2 Bioenergetic Considerations
1.3 Biodynamic Considerations
1.4 Physical Preparation Theory and Methodology

Workout Components
2.1 Individualization of Training
2.2 Warm-Up
2.3 CNS High Components
2.3.1 Sprints
2.3.2 Jumps
2.3.3 Explosive Med-Ball
2.3.4 Weights
2.4 CNS Low Components
2.4.1 Extensive Tempo
2.4.2 Abdominals
2.4.3 Extensive Med-Ball
2.5 Stretching
2.5.1 PNF
2.5.2 Static
2.5.3 Dynamic

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sleep and Rest after a training session
3.3 Proper Nutrition and Hydration
3.4 Stretching
3.5 Hydrotherapy
3.6 Self Myo-fascial Release

Physical Testing
4.1 Movement and Work Capacity
4.2 Starting, Acceleration and Explosive Strength
4.3 Maximal and General Organism Strength
4.4 Speed
4.6 Energy System Capacity

Workout Sheets and Training Programs
Workout Sheet Explanations
Percentage/Weights Chart
5.1 Warm-Ups
5.2 Loading Progressions
5.2.1 Monthly Progressions
5.2.2 Weekly Progressions
5.2.3 Daily Progressions
5.3 CNS High Programming
5.3.1 Sprints Programming
5.3.2 Jumps Programming
5.3.3 Throws Programming
5.3.4 Weights Programming
CNS High Addendum
5.4 CNS Low Components
5.4.1 Extensive Tempo Programming
5.4.2 Abdominals and Extensive Med-Ball Programming
Training Programs
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