Callie Durbrow

How to Use Finishers for Serious Results
How to Use Finishers for Serious Results
Workout finishers have been a popular addition to the training world in the last year and for good reason.
How I Developed My Personal Training Program
How I Developed My Personal Training Program
As a young strength coach and personal trainer, I was like most people starting out—“I want to train athletes.”
Injury Prevention Strategies for Female Basketball Players
Injury Prevention Strategies for Female Basketball Players
Injuries are a major setback for any competitive athlete. It can be physically taxing to recover and mentally stressful and draining to be sitting on the bench and going through rehabilitation.
 What I Wish I Knew as a Female Athlete
What I Wish I Knew as a Female Athlete
As an athlete, you’re taught many things—work hard, compete until the end, work together with your teammates, push yourself to the limit, and have fun.
 My Top Five Strength Movements for Basketball Players
My Top Five Strength Movements for Basketball Players
Players need overall lower body strength, single leg strength, upper back and shoulder strength, mobility, and a solid core. The game also subjects players to pounding and stress on the lower body.

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