Charlie Cates

The Hills
The Hills
You can either put your life on cruise control, going at the same pace day in and day out, never switching things up or taking the time to assess and appreciate where you are, or you can put everything you have into conquering your challenges, exhausting yourself so that once you do reach the top, you have no choice but
The Parasympathetic Secret
The Parasympathetic Secret
You wake up after a restful night’s sleep to hit up the gym before the sun comes up, but why do you feel so weak and unmotivated to lift heavy and strong?
Recovery 101: Training Techniques
Recovery 101: Training Techniques
In the second part of his two-part series, Charlie discusses some great things to do post-workout for quicker recovery.
 Recovery 101: Nutrition
Recovery 101: Nutrition
Get big or die tryin’.
 Want to Squat Like a Man? Lift Like a Woman
Want to Squat Like a Man? Lift Like a Woman
Every day you can go into a weight room anywhere in the country and two things will be certain

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