Cory Cook

The Vertical Jump: It's More Than Just Inches
The Vertical Jump: It's More Than Just Inches
The most valuable information you will find from testing your athletes is not a measurement of height.
Dynamic Effort Day for Athletes
Dynamic Effort Day for Athletes
Your athletes are not powerlifters. Programming them as if they are will not lead to stronger, faster competitive performance.
The Pyramids of Giza: A Prowler Challenge
The Pyramids of Giza: A Prowler Challenge
This three-part competitive conditioning challenge will leave you searching for a puke bucket. Can you handle it?
Training Beginners: A Different Approach
Training Beginners: A Different Approach
When new athletes come into your program you don’t know their abilities, training history, or technical proficiency. This is a crucial part of your program: preparing your athletes for their sport.

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