Doug Balzarini

The Ladder…Good? Bad? Both.
The Ladder…Good? Bad? Both.
Ladder drills should be included in the dynamic warm up phase of a complete strength and conditioning program on occasion to change things up and keep it fresh.
Wanna Lift? Meet Me at the…Playground
Wanna Lift? Meet Me at the…Playground
You don’t have to be completely regimented and stick to the script session after session with your program.
Heave Ho! Top Pulling Moves
Heave Ho! Top Pulling Moves
Regardless of whether you’re a beginning grappler or a black belt, a secretary or a garbage man, the importance of pulling and grip strength can’t be emphasized enough.
Shove it! Top Pushing Moves
Shove it! Top Pushing Moves
Whether you’re a professional MMA athlete or an “everyday population” client, make sure you include effective, functional pushing exercises into your workouts.
Midsection Madness for MMA
Midsection Madness for MMA
The definition of one’s core has gotten lost in translation over the years and we need to better understand what it really is.
I’m Injured—Now What?
I’m Injured—Now What?
The focus of this article is to discuss what you do after you’ve sustained an injury.
“Fab Five Finishers” for MMA Conditioning
“Fab Five Finishers” for MMA Conditioning
If you’ve ever witnessed or participated in a metabolic circuit designed for combat athletes, you’ve seen hard core.
Corrective Exercise: Does It Have a Place in MMA Strength Training?
Corrective Exercise: Does It Have a Place in MMA Strength Training?
Trying to convince a combat athlete that thoracic spine mobility drills will help him in the octagon is like trying to convince my girlfriend that size doesn’t matter.
Partner Training: A Different Approach to MMA Strength and Conditioning
Partner Training: A Different Approach to MMA Strength and Conditioning
What’s going on “upstairs” allows you to utilize your physical skills to the best of your ability.
My Top 5 Strength Tools For the Combat Athlete
My Top 5 Strength Tools For the Combat Athlete
Strength training is a great way to “lay that foundation” and help an athlete develop superior strength and power endurance.

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