Josh Henkin

Six Reasons Athletes Need to Use Sandbags
Six Reasons Athletes Need to Use Sandbags
Yes, sandbags. Nothing new for many coaches but always used as a tool when “better” training implements weren’t available.
 Training Considerations for the Tactical Athlete
Training Considerations for the Tactical Athlete
Many people consider sports such as golf, tennis, and martial arts to be some of the top sports that are most reluctant to buy into modern strength and conditioning techniques.
 Six of the Best Ways to Use Bands
Six of the Best Ways to Use Bands
Bands are nothing new to most coaches and trainers. They have quickly become one of the most versatile and effective training tools in a coach’s toolbox. Initially, many thought of them only as rehabilitation tools. However, Westside Barbell changed the perception of bands with its innovative techniques for using them for accommodating resistance.
Filling in the Holes, Part II
Filling in the Holes, Part II
Previously I discussed how adding in various training tools can “fill in the holes” of standard barbell lifting. Kettlebells have gained a stronger and stronger following in the strength training community, but sleds and sandbags are two tools that have yet to gain their recognition.
Filling in the Holes, Part I
Filling in the Holes, Part I
Trends, fads, gimmicks…hell, they’re all part of the strength and conditioning industry.
Top Five Sandbag Drills
Top Five Sandbag Drills
Sandbags are an amazingly versatile tool. They’re unique in their feel, and some very different types of drills can be performed with them. The number one question that people ask me is “what are the best drills to perform with sandbags?” While that depends on various factors (i.e. goals, training level, etc.), there are some foundational drills that make sandbags
Sandbag Arsenal
Sandbag Arsenal
One of the biggest problems that we face in training today’s athletes is that they’re out of shape! Whether professional or amateur, many of these athletes come to their teams severely unconditioned. With physical education programs being cut from school curriculums and child obesity rising every year, we need to take a long hard look at the values that physical
Blue Collar Strongman Training
Blue Collar Strongman Training
What would be more effective is to change the dynamics of the lift slightly to stimulate new recruitment patterns and increase the use of often neglected muscles.

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