Juliet Deane

What Women Should Never (but often) Do While Trying to Get in Shape: Part 2 – Dieting
What Women Should Never (but often) Do While Trying to Get in Shape: Par...
Dieting has become an out-of-control, multi-billion dollar industry that thrives on people’s confusion and dependence.
What Women Should Never do (but often do) While Trying to Get in Shape; Part 1 of 6
What Women Should Never do (but often do) While Trying to Get in Shape; ...
Over empathizing or hand-holding never helped, motivated or aspired anyone to change.
Snowy Sprints and Winter Hill Running Tips
Snowy Sprints and Winter Hill Running Tips
This was one of the sessions you know is brutal going into, likely regrettable during, but awesome after (when you’ve warmed up).
Not-So-Powerful Cleans and Deadlifts...
Not-So-Powerful Cleans and Deadlifts...
Slacked. Gotta fight the winter lazies a little harder.
Girl's Upperbody Training
Girl's Upperbody Training
I won’t write it up because you can just watch it for yourself.
Juliet's Gym Etiquette
Juliet's Gym Etiquette
So if I was to do them in this session, my situation the way it is, I would be taking a perfectly good exercise and making it potentially bad or ugly.
 Metabolic Stimulus: Fat Loss Rewards for Oxygen Debt
Metabolic Stimulus: Fat Loss Rewards for Oxygen Debt
Metabolic Circuits: training that boosts your metabolism? Wait, I thought ALL resistance training boosts your metabolism. Yes, that would be a logical point – well made.

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