Matthieu Hertilus

Pride Kills Progress
Pride Kills Progress
Everyone has his ‘go to’ exercise or routine.
Integrity of Programming
Integrity of Programming
You have to know when, how, and if to break these rules.
Demolish Something
Demolish Something
What tool can take care of all of those in only a few minutes after every workout with some added benefits as well?
 The Coaching Eye
The Coaching Eye
The best athletes don’t always make the best coaches.
 Iron Intelligence
Iron Intelligence
For all the serious lifters out there wondering what they’ll do when they’re no longer able to handle the daily grind that their sport necessitates, I have a suggestion—teaching.
 Some Days I Hate Squats
Some Days I Hate Squats
Those were the exact words used by one of my clients after finishing her last set of goblet squats.
 Tighten That Belt
Tighten That Belt
How strong is your core really? Do you give it as much attention as you do your other muscles when you squat or deadlift or even when you’re doing bicep curls in the squat rack (just kidding about that last point)?

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