Nick Showman

Showtime Strength & Performance owner Nick Showman has years of experience with youth, high school, and collegiate-level athletes. Nick has also spent nearly a decade competing in various strength sports, including powerlifting, bodybuilding, and strongman. In that time Nick has been fortunate enough to train with some of the best strength competitors in the country in a variety of intense setting.

In- and Off-Season Conditioning Strategies for Softball Athletes
In- and Off-Season Conditioning Strategies for Softball Athletes
A pitcher doesn’t need to be able to sprint as far as an outfielder, but the acceleration for a pitcher is in high demand.
How to Run a Successful Powerlifting Meet
How to Run a Successful Powerlifting Meet
At Showtime Strength & Performance, we have run close to 30 powerlifting meets of all sizes and for competitors of all types. Here’s how we do it.
In-Season Softball Training Guidelines and Myths
In-Season Softball Training Guidelines and Myths
The longer the season goes on, the more important it is to maintain performance. Don’t spend the season losing the physical abilities built during the off-season.
All In — When I Got to Westside
All In — When I Got to Westside
Before I started training at Westside, I told my wife I was going to shut off my brain and do whatever I was told, no matter what. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made.
10 Ways to Drive Communication with Youth Athletes
10 Ways to Drive Communication with Youth Athletes
None of these have to do with Prilepin’s chart or buying better equipment, but they might just be what sets you apart from the next trainer, private sector coach, or school coach.
Determining Exercise Value
Determining Exercise Value
Do you know how to properly evaluate a program or the exercises that make it up?
Building An All-Around Team: Find Your Role
Building An All-Around Team: Find Your Role
In any successful group or team, there are three key positions that must be filled. Does your team have them?
How to Use Fundamental Movements to Develop Youth Athletes
How to Use Fundamental Movements to Develop Youth Athletes
Follow this step-by-step outline to build the basic skills needed in young athletes.
All-Star Parenting
All-Star Parenting
Working with youth athletes has been an experience that has taught me several lessons.
Personal Training 102
Personal Training 102
Be confident in yourself and the value of your service, but also be a sponge and soak up as many different ideas as you can from different people.
Personal Training 101
Personal Training 101
For many people, having the ability to train people for a living is a dream come true.
How to Run a Meet
How to Run a Meet
It keeps me motivated with my training goals to see the competitors succeed with theirs.

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