Timothy Martin

Timothy W Martin is a graduate student at Southeastern Louisiana University (SLU) and has interned there for four years. In addition, he interned at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, during the 2015 spring semester. Timothy played club rugby for the SLU Lions in 2012 and has a background in MMA training. He is earning a master’s degree in sport management and plans on becoming a collegiate physical preparation and high performance coach in the near future. He has recently stopped MMA and is focusing more on getting bigger and stronger. He is training for his first powerlifting meet.

Olympic Lifts Have No Place in an Athlete's Physical Preparation
Olympic Lifts Have No Place in an Athlete's Physical Preparation
Do these beloved training movements contribute to soft tissues injuries more than they improve athletic performance? Before you make up your mind, hear me out.
What to Expect as a Strength and Conditioning Intern
What to Expect as a Strength and Conditioning Intern
In this industry, you start at the bottom and work your way up. Level your expectations, respect those who give you the opportunity, and be ready to sacrifice for the profession you love.

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