Chalk Bowl with Stand

The details make the difference. Make your meet or weight room stand out with this awesome chalk bowl.

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Chalk Bowl with Stand

Welcome to the show!

We know when it all happens.
We know where the change begins.
We know what it takes to get strong.
We know where you break out.

We know how it works. You crack a few jokes while you wait for your bar to be loaded. Then it is your turn. The first thing you look for is the chalk bowl. This is the shrine of the weight room. You know as soon as you hit the chalk bowl that it is time to...

Turn it on.

You make your way to the bowl, reach in chalk your hands and get ready for your PR lift. Next you do as any sane person would do. You reach in and grab a fresh block of chalk and ...

Smash it over your head!

The time is NOW. You're fired up and you head toward the squat rack. What happens next is what makes this story so great.

You determine the outcome. We just give you the best shrine in the world with which to do it.

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