We continue the build to meet day. If you read last week's log, you saw that I was having some tremendous pain in my quads. I decided to reach out to teammate Dani (Overcash) LaMartina. We aren't exactly sure what's going on, but have some ideas.
The goal for this week was to remain pain free, but see if I can re-find my "position of power"... a position and weight that I could feel fast off the floor, and not get any pain. Monday I shut my deadlifts down early and Friday I did the same. I'll describe a bit of what's going on....
Squats don't bother me a bit. As soon as I deadlift, it starts. Doesn't matter if I squat first or deadlift first. I can feel my quads getting "tight" and there is a lot of "pressure" on them, mostly on the upper half. It's not just a soreness, it's not cramping. Tender, yes. Pain to even do a squat or lunge, to the point that I can barely even perform one. Immense pressure too, down to the bone.
I also feel like I have nothing to push with off the floor. I get to about 275 and everything shuts down. I think it might be a firing pattern issue. The question is why did it start and what's causing it. Super frustrating since 275 should be a speedy weight for me and it feels like 1000 pounds.
Going to play the next couple weeks by ear and make a game day decision of either pulling sumo or conventional.
Here's what went down this week for training:
Monday - medium squat/dead
Squat 2x2 @ 280
Deadlift 2x2 @ 275 (stopped there as it should've been heavier)
Pull throughs 2x20
Wednesday - heavy squat/bench
Squat 310, 325
Bench 190, 195
Friday - heavy deads
This was the day I tried to find a position of power and I was still getting the same issues.
Worked up to 275 and shut it down
Saturday - medium bench
Bench 2x2 @ 165
Lat pulldown 2x15
Fat bell extensions 1x20