Back from a quick 4 day trip from Louisiana. The trip was amazing and I enjoyed every moment with my favorite person. Any way jumping back into training after some time off I always start with my MEV (minimal effective volume) for a week or so until i get back into the swing of things.
So kept the volume low to 15 total work sets for back as well as 6 sets of biceps. I’m going full meathead mode and training bodybuilding style with rotating strength movements that i will progressively overload for the next 8 weeks. Then I will start increasing the volume slowly over the next 8 weeks after that while pulling back on the progressive overload slightly. I will increase the intesity as well via intensifying techniques but not both at the same time. This will lead into an overreaching phase that i will push for 8 weeks and then decide what to do from then. So Back day yesterday consisted of
A1: Front lat pull down lat activation; 2 sets of 4-6 reps with slow eccentric and concentric focus. Then held in a peace contraction position and breathed for 5 sec. This primed the lats without fatiguing them prior to exercise 1. I do not count these as working sets towards my overall volume.
B1: 1 Arm Hammer Row: This is one of my favorite exercises to start with as i can feel the contraction well and i can place a high load on the lats with out a large amount of movement. My goal here is good blood flow and large pump working to a heavy weight but not blowing my load. Worked up in sets of 10 until I reached 5 plates and a quarter for 10 reps.
C1: Dead stop EZ curl bar: I used a supinate hand position for more lat focus. I worked up into one rest pause set of 8,4,2 with 3 plates per side. I will increase the volume on this when i return no so much the weight as i feel more weight will make me sacrifice my form.
D1: Neutral Grip Lat Pull-Downs: Used a nuetral grip bar and really focused on pulling on from the lats with zero body movement. Really. Focusing on elbow position and pulling from the lats has greatly improved my lat development and decreased my shoulder and elbow Tendonitis. 3 work sets at 180,200,220
E1: Super set cable pull overs with underhand supinated bent rows. 10 each. Only 3 sets here but took very little rest here about 30-45 seconds at the most. This was the metabolic portion of the training and the goal was staying in a position where i could feel the contraction and work the shit out of it.
Biceps were simple. 3 sets of ez curl bar curls to the head and 3 sets working the extended ROM for the biceps. Often undertrained and an essential for keeping good shoulder and elbow health, you also keep the shoulders in a more stabilized position because you are in retraction and depression.
I have found the more you concentrate on rib cage and pelvis (trunk position) the better training will go for you. The less parts moving the better off your training will be. Lock down the spine and load the muscles. Dont make it rocket science until you need to.