15 mins stepmill
Activations using bird dogs as my base to test each activations One of the newer things I picked up at the redo of Be Activated recently was picking a movement as a base line test and go through each activation with a retest of the movement upon completion of the activations. We used a basic bridge at the workshop but any movement can be utilized. I went with bird dogs today. Not every activation will improve the motor pattern but as with the bridges, a majority improved my bird dogs as I went through them. You could apply them to any exercise and see which work for you. I will try to apply them to other movements for as long as it stays in my brain. The bottom line is I am thinking you can narrow down the specific activations for each particular athlete no matter the sport and use them daily for prep.
Other things done today:
Leg press close for 10 then medium width for 5. 7 or 8 rounds
Heavy two hand swings with 154lb 4x8
Set up cartoon dumbell for single arm deadlifts. We made it for kroc rows years ago and it will hold 500lb in narrow 25lbs plates and weighs 25lb. Did some 3s at 200lb, managed a couple singles at 250lb then back down to 200 for a set of 3