Tuesday 2 laps prowler, Wed 20 mins walking
9/21 Lower
Long strap abs 3x5 per stance-standing , high seat, lower seat for 5 rounds
Reverse hypers 4x12 to open up the back and warmup some. Contrary to some of the things i see from the webtastics, this will always be a staple for good back health . Not the end all be all but always beneficial.
Tsunami bar worked up to 3 plates x3 off box with close stance
Double 154lb famers walk dumbell for 3x5. Started with one off a incline box with toes on high end for 2x5 and was gonna do the two farmers off the box but that went to shit quick and had to eject the slant box from the game.
Smedium stance leg press 3x20
Reverse hypers to loosen up 2x20
Used the Elephant 3 inch wide band that is 10ft plus long to wrap the part the calf, ankles and foot. Trying to keep the plantar fasciitis at bay. Night and day difference from the two inch floss for bigger parts and more coverage. Old peeps gots to do what ya gots to do to survive brah!
Weight is still holding at 216 ish. May have to up the calories just alittle to get things moving again. I want to improve the Thicking but not in a fatty fat way.
Strength seems to be improving weekly and stamina as well.