Here are Robbie Hyde, Keegan Laud, Carley Camarotti, Tyler Marino, Anthony Liardo, Kayla Welch, Reggie Cosmeus, Trinity Schwab, Jon Neel, me, Jo Jordan, Marky Mark Lessmann, Melanie Flesh, Andrew Hagen and Joe Norman who were some of the OBB crew and lifters who were left after another successful meet. Thank you to all of the spotters, loaders, judges and everyone who were willing to take the time to help for the sake of the gym. Thank you to Rick Lawrence for bringing the equipment. Congrats to all of the lifters!
Thank you to our friends and sponsors Al Reiss and Jeff Sevor for helping with the expenses of the meet. We couldn't have these without their help.
Here are the full meet results: APF Southern States Results OCT2017
Here are the best lifters:
Female Overall Equipped- Shanie Dasrath
Overall Male Equipped- Morgan Mann
Female Overall Raw- Gillian Tedeschi
Male Overall Raw- Trevor Pfaendtner
AAPF Overall Female- Kayla Ellers
AAPF Overall Male- Raymond Carney
Teen/Junior Female- Kayla Welch
Teen/Junior Male- Andy Montalvo
Masters Female- Denise Mears
Masters Male- Terry Jacobs
Team- Team Jax
Here is who I believe is our honorary best lifter. Blake Deloach is an Army Veteran who served a tour in Iraq and Afghanistan where he unfortunately lost his sight and suffered what most would consider disabling injuries. Powerlifting has has allowed Blake to find purpose, a sense of community and his competitive edge. This past weekend Blake competed raw with Boyton Beach Barbell where he squatted 446, benched 303, and deadlifted 485 at a bodyweight of 244.
I was honored to meet Blake, his wife Lauren, who always had a smile on her face, and their awesome service dog Mason, who knew that when his harness was on he was at work but could relax without it.
Thank you Blake for all you have done and for being an inspiration. allowed Blake to find purpose, a sense of community and his competitive edge.
Our next meet will be the APF Florida State on February 17th. We hope to see you there!