It's week 6 for us. That means Basketball has started regular practices. Being in charge of Football and Basketball (and Volleyball) means everyone's stress levels are at an all-time high. Football still has a chance to compete for a conference championship even though we've started poorly. Volleyball is a in a similar boat, but that boat is taking on water. Basketball just started this week and our head coach expects his team to be in mid-season form, but also knows they are not. This is part of why he's such a good coach. His expectations are very high.
Couple all this joy with being in charge of the rehab protocols for ALL injured athletes (14 sports) and I'm just a bit on the busy side. Burn out has set in about 2 weeks earlier than usual thanks to a crazy summer. I don't hate everyone, yet. But, rest assured, it's coming. Thanksgiving break and Finals can't come soon enough.
Don't get me wrong. I'd rather be eating Thanksgiving dinner in a hotel with the football team because we made the playoffs. That would mean my break starts a week or so later, which would be fine.
Either way, my staff and I have to keep our energy and enthusiasm high and keep pushing these kids. Even if it comes to a point where we're not playing for a championship we have to show them that maximum effort is always expected and demanded. If we don't play for a championship we can still teach life lessons that are far more important, in the long run, than a championship. But, another ring would be nice.