Time is ticking away and I am sitting at 2 weeks out from Record Breakers. Things are coming together and I am feeling good about where I am at. I followed the plan and stuck to it with a few ups and downs but that is the way training goes. One thing I have always worked on is not getting too high or too low based on how things went or how things are going. I have meets where my squat didn't go as planned but I PR'd my other lifts. I just take it one lift at time and do my best to pick weights based on how they feel and not what my emotions tell me should be next. It is all about being able to control your emotions, too detach from them so that you can see the bigger picture and make the right calls. I learned this in the military and it holds true to everything I do in my life.


Pause BP w/ Weight Releaser- 50lbs- 345lbs x1, 375lbs x1, 415lbs x1

Football Bar BP- 365lbs x3, 385lbs x3, 405lbs x3

DB BP- 115lbs x8, 130lbs x8, 140lbs x7

JM Press- 155lbs x10, 185lbs x10, 205lbs x8


Scarecrows- 3x12

Lat Pulls- 2x8-10



Squats- 585lbs x1, 645lbs x1

Pause Squats- 505lbs for 2 sets of 2 reps

Deadlifts- 495lbs for 2 singles

Cable Rows- 3x8-10


Cable Crunches- 3x15



Pause BP- 45lbs for 2 singles

CG Spoto BP- 385lbs x2, 396lbs x2, 407lbs x2

BP- 407lbs for 2 sets of 3 reps

DB Side Raises- 2x10-12


DB Cleans- 2x12

Cable Pushdowns- 2x12


Face Pulls- 2x15
